Chapter 3 ☀️ Unusal apology (smut)

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there will be a nsfw pic, but not that bad dw
Sorry for the notifs, but some people are forcing me to delete some pics and for my own peace im doing so 🤸‍♀️🚆

I heard the kids waking up. I checked the time. We should probably be closing by now. I went downstairs, sun was helping the kids pack up for them to go back to their parents. I joined and we both said goodbye to them. I felt suns energy was off. I feel guilty.

i have to keep on being professional.
I started deep cleaning the floors and toys, this will take me at least 4 hours.

- Hello! Do you need help? - said sun.

- Definitely...NOT! You should go rest! - i wanted to keep distance by now, even thought i wanted him so bad.

- Come on! It will be faster!

- Okay okay.. you dont have to be so pushy - i rolled my eyes and smiled.

- Y/N? Are you mad at me? Did i do anything wrong? Im sorry!

- Sun, im just a little bit tired! You didnt do anything! Lets just get to work.

~~~~~~~ after the cleaning ~~~~~~~

- Woah this went a lot faster than i thought! - i said, giving him a high-five.

- Yeah, all clean! Ive never seen a cleaner daycare! Youre the best, Y/N.

- Sun.. can i stay for the night? My car is basically trashed..

- Of course! Lets go upstairs, i got a bigger bed from the dj man and its much more comfier than the other one!


- So.. Dear? What do you want to do now?

- You know sun.. i wanted to shower first, ill be right back.

(after showering, Y/N only put on a tshirt which was oversized, so sun didnt notice she had her flower out)

- Heyy youre back! So whatcha wanna do?

- I want to apologize to you.

- F-For what?

i sat on his lap, i couldnt resist when he was sitting so confidently  while manspreading, i wanted to feel his body.

- For not going in for a kiss earlier,  you can do anything to me now. I want you, sunny. I want you to feel me.

- Is that so?

- Can i feel you, my beautiful flower?Can i?

Shit, consent makes him look so hot.

- Yes, sun.

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