Chapter Twelve

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It was almost New Years and I could not be more than happy. I miss my roommates dearly and I could not visit Hermione because they left for France to celebrate New Year in Paris, where her mother's sister stays.

Today was a peaceful and relaxing day, we were not going out until ten o'clock tonight when we will be joining a big group of people at the industrial area. My father was lounging in front of the television and my mother was making snacks for us in the kitchen.

I stole the seat my mother once occupied, which was beside my father, and cuddled his side. He placed his arm around me and nudged my shoulder.

"You smell nice today, dad."
I complimented as his cologne surround me.

"Don't I smell nice other days?"
He snorted.

"No," I snort back. "you just smell extra nice."

He suddenly removed his arm and looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"What do you want?"

"Who says I want something?"
I gaped at him.

This time he snort loudly, earning a scold from mother and a weird look from Dixie and I. Dad only looked sheepishly at mum and apologized, but paid no attention to me and our Husky.
"Because you never compliment me unusual stuff, and when you do, then you want something. So what is it?"

I groaned out loud because I know I have been busted.
"Okay, the Ministry has a library, right?"

He raised an eyebrow at me.
"You can say that. Why do you ask?"

I pursed my lips, deciding whether I should straight up ask him about Flamel or just lie.

"I have to find a book about...someone."
I hinted, deciding to tell the truth.

My father studied my facial expression, making me slowly uncomfortable with his stare.

"A book about who, sweetheart?"
My mother entered the room, holding a tray full of snacks and three cups of hot chocolate. My father broke eye contact with me - luckily - and looked lovingly at the hot cup of liquid.

"I see you love that chocolate more than you love me."
Mum joked as she set the tray down and took one of the cups and held it tightly with both hands.

The look my dad gave her was priceless, I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing.

"You clearly have mistaken me for someone who is crazy about hot chocolate, woman." He made a disgusted face but it changed to a thoughtful look. "Although I do love hot chocolate, but that is not the point. The point is that I will love nothing more than I love you and our girl." He glanced at me and winked before stalking to my mum, grabbing her, making her almost spill her chocolate, and kissed her right on the lips.

" No, eww, gross! Please keep it PG. Not in front of me!"
I cried out, covering my eyes, and turning my head away incase I can suddenly see through my eyelids and through my fingers.

I just heard a chuckle as I sensed movement on the couch.
"Relax, kiddo. You can uncover your eyes now."

I slowly took my hands away and opened my eyes. After fluttering my eyelids to adjust to the light in the room, I looked around and saw mum and dad on the couch across from Dixie and I on the couch next to me, so I relaxed into the cushions.

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