The aftermath of the attack

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Finally it's done, I'm sorry I haven't had time between work and the holidays to write :C

But know I have this story in my mind so much that I tend to dream about the next steps hahahah

Jirou's POV:

Today has been a roller-coaster of emotions, first we were attacked by villains, then my Dad had been hurt badly, after that ambulances had rushed the place to take care of the injured people, of course I had gone with my dad but while we were getting out of the building we have been rushed by the press, I had said nothing and just went to the ambulance they were taking my Dad to

"I'm sorry but only family is permitted to ride the ambulance" a nurse had said

"that's my dad" I said

"As if, Eraser head doesn't have kids" The nurse watched me not believing me, but Midnight had come to my side

"let the girl accompany her dad, they need each other right now, don't make it more difficult that it already is for them"

"Eraser head has a kid. And that kid is his student?" fuck my luck, of course the press had listened

"Ms. Do you have any words for us?" one of them asked me

"Please just let me go with my dad so he can be ok, what happened today is not important none of it is, what is important is that everyone we care about are safe and sound so please, I'm begging you, don't ask anymore let us go in peace" I was crying my eyes out it hurt that my dad was suffering and I couldn't be there for him, I would trade places with him at any second but I knew I couldn't, all I could do right now was step inside the ambulance

They let all the ambulances leave in silence, once we were in the hospital, they told me, my dad had to go through surgery since his eyes were damaged so much and that he had both his arms broken and his legs, they would heal his legs right now, but he would have to wait 4 weeks before they could heal his arms and all I could do was wait

I was feeling powerless while waiting for news on my dad, I felt so weak I wanted to be able to protect everyone Dad, the class, Momo specially Momo, I suddenly felt warm thinking about her but she probably didn't feel the same for me she had probably a crush on Todoroki from what she said at the café but I couldn't shake my feelings for her, at some point Midnight had arrived to take care of me since well I was still a minor and needed a tutor, I don't know exactly why it had been her but I didn't mind, I was even glad it was someone I knew

Then I remembered my detention with her if I did that daily, I would become stronger, I started smiling

"Midnight!" I suddenly blurted

"yes Jirou-san" she said

"I was wondering if you would train me"

"Doesn't your dad do that?"

"yes, he does but I want you to train me too, like when I was in detention"

"Are you a masochistic?"

"No, but I want to become stronger, and I will do anything for it"

She smiled and then said

"I will see you everyday at 4 am in the school training ground, if you are late even 1 day it will end there, I'm warning you"

"Yes ma'am"

"Family of Shota Aizawa" someone called

"that's me" I said

"I'm sorry but isn't there and adult I can talk with?" the nurse said

"I'm his daughter and the only family he has so please tell me how my dad is" I pleaded

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