Where she loses everything.

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For seven years it has allways been my mum and I. No one else, just us. My father died when I was born because of the stupid snakes and cougars in the forest that attack a lioness when she is giving birth to her cub. My mother was devastated of course and yet she was still able to protect and care for her only cub even if she was in depression having to lose her chosen and my seven other twins seeing as I was the youngest in a set of octuplets, meaning that you give birth to eight children and the same time.

'Leona hurry, we must be quick' My mothers warm honey voice called to me in my mind reminding me of spring when the wind blows through out fur as we layed upon the fresh daisy patch of flowers surronded in green vibrant grass as I roll onto my mothers honey gold coat, platfully nipping on her ear when it twitches.

A sharp scream breaks me out of my daze as the horrible truth surronded me. 'Mum' I whimper cuddling up to my mothers fur trying to comfort myself. My mothers Lioness must have emerged when she heard my whimper because she suddenly wraps her tail around me while hissing. I snuggle deeper into her side as my heart starts to calm down.

I let out a surprised yelp when my mother lifts me up by my black furred scruff that I had inherited by my father. 'stay still my cub' I nod as her muscles begain to shift as she prepares to jump.

My mother starts to sprint through the trees trying to get her cub to safety and she would have made it if we hadn't of heard the detressed cry of a werewolf pup my mother explained to me about. My mother skidded to a stop when she heard it. I remember the same noise but instead of a pup it was my brothers and sisters.

I look up to see my mothers eyes glazed with saddness and depression causing me to whimper. 'Mummy' I whisper into her mind. My mums eyes flicker to me then to the direction of the werewolve pack that is getting attacked, and by the scent it could be by 20 going down to 17 rouge vampires.

'I'm sorry my child' Her gentle whisper barely reaches my mind before she bounds of into the direction of the pack. 'M-Mum p-please, you might d-die!' I desperastely plead as the pitch black pupils in my silver cat-like eyes expanded into circles. She ignores me and keeps on pouncing through the trees at incredible supernatural speed.

She stops at a bush that over looks the bloody field and places me down. 'Stay here my cub' She growls at me before bounding into the middle of the field where a bunch of werewolf pups are being surronded by 7 vampires. I crouch onto my stomach and prowl forwards hiding underneath the bush and keeping my eyes on my mother.

Just as a vampire was about to grab one my mother pounced on its back and the back of his neck snapping it of before throwing it away with a hiss. The remaining vampires stare at my mother with wide eyes as she steps infront of the frightened pups that are in human form. The vampires started circling her as she stays still listening to their heart beats.

One of the vampires suddenly sprint forwards aiming for my mother when, she suddenly jumps landing on the vampires neck snapping it before she pounced on the vampire that tried to sneak behind.

Their was only four vampires left and my mother was growing tired. Being without her chosen for a long time can do that to us. The vampires all attacked at once and my mother pouced, hissed, growled and swiped her paw. She was able to kill three of them when the fouth one bit into my mothers scruff. Our eyes connected as mine widened, my cat-like eyes turning into slits before I was bounding towards them. My vision was red as I watched my mother kill the vampire just as she collapses.

The other werewolves that were fighting, were either in human or wolf form as they stared at my mother eyes wide. They were taking steps forward as my mothers breathing shallowed. A she wolf yelled at someone beside her, "Don't just stay there, get her medical attention. That female lion saved our children and all you can do is stare like an idiot!" They women was bascially hitting him by the time her speech finished.

The man shook out of his trance and realised what happen before he started to shout orders. Three male werewolves were walking towards my mother, when I appeared before them guarding my mother with a hiss, my back was arched threatingly. The werewolves took a step backwards surprised and I was about to pounce when my mothers pained whimpers shook me out of my trance.

I turned my back on them as I ran to my mothers side scared, 'Mama' I whimpered as I pushed her stomach where blood coated her former shining honey fur was now deathly sick. My mothers eyelids opened revealing her pained teal blue eyes, 'My cub, I'm sorry I could not support you as you grew up, I love my cub, my precious survivor' she whimpered nuzzling my head with her big one. I started pawing at her stomach, 'mummy don't leave me' a painful yowl escaped my snout as my mothers mind cradled my mind gently as the last of her life force left her.

I heard peope break out into sobs as they watched my mother and I. I heard myself yowl to the moon as I pawed my mother before I cuddled into my deseased mothers stomach, whimpering as nipping at her fur. I fell asleep their but not before I felt myself being lifted up into the musculer arms of a male stranger.


OMG. OMG I freaking made myself Cry.

snot and all.





cause I know I am!

Lionesses CubWhere stories live. Discover now