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The whole royal palace started to get decorated with scarlet color, getting prepared for the upcoming grand marriage. All maids and man-servants worked like ants making cuisines for the feast. General Wang and the emperor Fengmian were busy confronting Wang Yibo about marriage responsibilities.

Xiao Zhan rolled on his bed with a darkened face wanting to spend the time with Wang Yibo. But his mother, empress Yu Ziyuan strictly prohibited that, saying the two grooms weren't allowed to meet each other before the marriage at all.

Xiao Zhan didn't even bother to raise his head after hearing the sound of the door opening. A pretty woman in her late twenties entered the bed chamber and caressed his head softly asking him to wake up.

"A-Xian, I made your favorite pork rib soup. Drink it when it's hot." She uncovered the steaming hot soup spreading the spicy aroma all over the room.

"You are the best! Qin jie." Xiao Zhan quickly drank a spoon of soup moaning at the delicious taste. Even though Lin Qin was Xiao Zhan's head maid, He treated her like his own sister.

"Stop sulking and drink it all. You will need more strength to face things tomorrow." Lin Qin wiggled her eyebrows smiling slightly after seeing Xiao Zhan's red face.

"Qin jie!!!"

Dragon and phoenix candles lit up the whole bridal chamber giving a charming scenario

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Dragon and phoenix candles lit up the whole bridal chamber giving a charming scenario. Red lotus petals were scattered all over the marital bed, filling the room with lotus fragrance. Xiao Zhan sat on the bed and patted his own shoulders relaxing his tensed muscles. He looked so eternal. His beauty was further enhanced by the scarlet phoenix robes because red suited him better than any other color.

"It's already been two hours! Where is my dumb general? Does it take this much time to see the guests? Ahhh... I hate waiting!" Without knowing Xiao Zhan's lips formed an adorable pout.

His eyes beamed after hearing the faint footsteps, but his brows crooked realizing it sounds more like running than walking.

Bed chamber's doors burst open by Lin Qin, not the person Xiao Zhan expected. Tears continuously poured down from her eyes wetting her pale cheeks. Her clothes were sticking to her body because of the mass amount of sweat. Lin Qin was closing her mouth using her hand to stop crying but from her shaking shoulders Xiao Zhan assumed she was still crying.

"A-Xian! A-Xian! Ru..n a.way fr..om here! He is no..t the per..son you used to k..now! Wa..ng.. Wa..ng.. He.. He.. kill..ed your fam..ily and th..e gen..eral Wang. He bur..nt the roy..al hall. Run. aw..ay and sav..e your life." Lin Qin spoke without stopping, trying to push Xiao Zhan away from the chamber.

"You are joking right? Tell me jie! This is not a funny joke! Tell mee!" Xiao Zhan shook Lin Qin hard expecting an answer from her. His palms already started to sweat and his vision started to get clouded with tears.

"I'm sa..ying ..the tru..th A-Xian..! I sa..w it fro..m my ow..n eyes. I cou..ldn't st..op him. I'm s..orry. He only wa..nts the th..rone!" Lin Qin cried holding Xiao Zhan's legs continuously apologizing to him.

"Lies! All Lies! Liar! My parents never leave me! My brothers never leave me! Ziyi jie never leaves me either! All lies! They didn't die!" Xiao Zhan pushed Lin Qin away from his legs and started to run towards the marriage hall crying.

Dead bodies were laid everywhere, soaking the whole passage with blood. Xiao Zhan continued to run towards the royal hall without minding the disgusting blood odor reeking from them. But The royal hall was already engulfed in flames trying to erase the sinful incident just like 25 years ago.

Xiao Zhan's world stopped after seeing his husband piercing his second brother using his sword. Second prince of the Luoyang empire, Xiao Darren Wang fell onto the floor with a loud thud making a pool of blood below him.

"Bo! Why?" Xiao Zhan screamed and ran towards his brother, placing Darren's head on his lap.

"I'm so..rry A-Xian.. Ge..Ge co..uldn't prot..ect you. He go..t blind..ed with th.e.. po..wer hun..ger! *cough* *cough* Pare..nts an..d ge ge alre..ady lef..t us.. Le. ave.. Ru..n away.. *cough*" Darren coughed out a mouth full of blood again, slowly lifting his hand to touch Xiao Zhan's face. But his hand fell onto the floor before it reached Zhan's cheek, making Zhan scream.

"GEGE! Open your eyes! Ge Ge!" Xiao Zhan hugged Darren's head to his chest and cried even more. It became more heart wrenching after remembering the betrayal of his most trusted man. He could not accept that his lover had killed his family without mercy.

"Why? Wang Yibo? Why?" Xiao Zhan questioned Wang Yibo using his full name. It was the first time that Xiao Zhan called Wang Yibo's full name.

Wang Yibo's eyes slightly widened after hearing that. A mocking smile appeared on his face that no one knows for whom. His eyes darkened seeing Darren was still in his beloved's hands.

"Escort the empress to his chamber! NOW!" He ordered two trembling maids, gesturing them to take Xiao Zhan away from here.

"Empress is my mother! Not me! Don't speak bullshit! If you wanted the throne you should have told me! I could have asked Dad for it! Why did you kill them! Why? Wang Yibo! ANSWER ME! WHY??? YOU ARE NOT THE WANG YIBO I KNOW!!! YOU KILLED YOUR OWN FATHER! HEARTLESS PERSON!!! Why?? Tell me?" Xiao Zhan shouted, grabbing Wang Yibo's clothes.

"Don't trust someone so easily, My white lotus.."

Pardon for my grammatical errors

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Pardon for my grammatical errors. 😁

Author is hiding now. 👀

Sorry I can't write emotional scenes. 🤧

See you guys in the next update. ❤️✨

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