First Day

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Tonight was the night I was excited but also very nervous I gathered up courage got my uniform on and fazwatch and headed straight to work as I got there I clocked in and my fazwatch beeped "huh must be my tasks" I thought I checked and it was I wandered around for a bit to get the layout of everything but still I cannot remember this place is SO BIG! I could not even believe it at one point I did get lost "aw man I am now lost gosh darn" I say to myself in frustration first day and I got lost gosh darn place is so big I looked around at the posters and stuff to maybe indicate where I was and I happen to be near the daycare I check my FazWatch as I remember right I have a task there.

"Well off to the daycare," I say to myself out loud to feel less lonely I wonder what Vanessa is doing probably her tasks we have not run into each other yet I hope she is ok anyways I make it there I do not see any entrance but a slide to get down into the daycare I do a little run and dive right straight into the slide "WEEEEEEEEE" I cheer just as I know it I fall into a ball pit face first I get up on my feet as I look around I have fallen into a big ball pit "no surprise," I thought I make a few steps forward and just as I did I saw something move in the corner of my eye on the wall was a displayed balcony and on that balcony was a sun looking animatronic jester looking with a wide smile like the Cheshire cat "I'm already scared," I thought "HOOO HOOO HOOO" the animatronic cheered them proceeded to dive into the ball pit "THAT THING IS IN HERE WITH ME!!!!" my mind shrieked

I then ran for the way out of the ball pit as I got close I felt a pair of hands lift me up and turn me around to face them I was kinda terrified "HELLO NEW FRIEND! IT'S KINDA LATE DON'T YA THINK!? ARE WE HAVING A SLUMBER PARTY!?" The animatronic said very fast but paused "OH I APOLOGIZE YOU MUST BE THE NEW GUARD" and with that, I got set down back on my feet

"Yeah I am I'm Y/N," I said "NICE TO MEET YOU Y/N IM SUN OR SUNNY OR SUNDROP WHATEVER HELPS YOU TO REMEMBER ME!" Sundrop beamed I nodded "alright Sundrop well it's nice meeting you" I spoke, to be honest, I just wanna get my tasks done already "WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE IN THE DAYCARE?" Sundrop asked "some work I need to do here apart of my job," I said answering the animatronics questions

"THAT SOUNDS LIKE NO FUN WE SHOULD HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY INSTEAD" Sundrop pouted "sorry bud that sounds like fun but I have a job to do," I said and begin to walk away not wanting to waste any more time "WAIT" he anxiously said I turned around and looked at him "CAN I HELP? CAN I? CAN I?" He beamed at this point I had to think about it what if he messes something up or gets me fired I sighed "fine but please don't do anything reckless or something that can get me fired besides one of them happens to be here in the daycare anyways" I exclaimed

"WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?!" Sundrop beamed ready to help me "find lost items in the daycare and stock up on more art and craft supplies," I said "OKIE DOKIE I'M GOOD AT FINDING STUFF," He said practically jumping up and down we first checked the ball pit found a few things and put them in a basket and after checked the play structures Sundrop also showed me that there is a closet in the daycare where they keep art supplies just in case they run out so we organized the arts and crafts table

"Thanks for helping Sundrop" I smiled "OF COURSE THAT IS WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR," Sundrop said happily

"Well I have to go do my other tasks now" I sighed I was enjoying his company and he was nice enough to help me "OH CAN I HELP WITH THOSE TO AND WE WILL BE DONE QUICKER AND WE CAN HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY" he spoke getting excited "of course, you can help and well about the slumber party we will see anyways let's go," I said and we went on our way I wonder why he was being so nice and helping me but either way I was grateful "he probably just wants some company," I thought

Eventually, we got everything done and it was 3:00 "oh wow early," I said to myself "IS EVERYTHING OK?" Sundrop asked

"Yeah yeah just got done early...why are you helping me?" I asked hoping not to make anything awkward "YOUR MY NEW FRIEND I ALWAYS HELP OUT FRIENDS AND I REALLY WANNA HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY TO AND I FIGURED YOUR NEW HERE ANYWAYS SO YOU WOULD NEED HELP AND PROTECTION" he beamed but when saying protection he seemed anxious "protection?" I asked

"OH UH FORGET I SAID THAT LET'S GO LET'S GO!" He eagerly said and back to the daycare we went "SLUMBER PARTY" Sundrop cheered "so what do ya want to do?" I asked "WE CAN DO ANYTHING HOW ABOUT A MOVIE?," I nodded "alright," I said and he led the way and we got the movie set up

I then stood near the light switch to turn the lights off to watch the movie "WAIT FRIEND PLEASE DONT DO THAT I FORGOT TO MENTION I HAVE ONE RULE THE LIGHTS STAY ON AND I MEAN ON AT ALL TIMES!" Sundrop said anxiously

"Oh ok" I shrugged and stepped away respecting what he said

We sat down and watched some kids movie I did not mind Sundrop seemed alright I wonder what he meant by I would need protection also why did he keep the lights on maybe he's afraid of the dark I did not know but since it's his rule I respected that but still protection from what exactly though I decided not to think much of it we got further into the movie I started to get sleepy as I know I drifted off to sleep.

{Hey, I hope whoever is reading enjoyed sorry this is long :0 I take criticism but please be nice and new ideas sorry for my poor grammar anyways I hope you enjoyed!}

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