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{Sorry this is kinda late I'm not so confident in my writing Also what this chapter is nothing to do with the story I thought it was a little cute thing to write"

Y/n came into work like any other night and proceeded to do their tasks just then fast footsteps came running down the hall "Y/N Y/N!!!!!" A voice said but it could be no other but Sundrop himself "huh wonder what could Sundrop want?" I thought and shrugged Sundrop ran into the room "yes?" I asked but before I could say anything else Sundrop gave me a big hug "is everything ok?" I asked, "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SUNSHINE!" He cried not letting me go I chuckled "aw missed ya to sunny" I chuckled more "IM SO HAPPY YOUR HERE NOW" He beamed still holding me in his arms "of course I'm here even on New Year's Eve I sighed "MAKES IT EVEN BETTER!" He said happily after I made Sundrop let go so I could finish one of my tasks he again helped me with all of them and we had extra time to do whatever but this time we were gonna celebrate the New Year and countdown

"IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU SMILE SUNSHINE" Sundrop spoke as we were drawing each other something "oh golly thank you," I said nervously not sure what to say back me and Sundrop have shown emotions to each other but it was tugging at my heartstrings we were not together or anything but it still tugged "ARE YOU OK?" Sundrop asked I snapped back to reality "oh sorry sunny I was just thinking" I exclaimed, "Was it bad?" He asked "oh no of course don't worry about it" I smiled to reassure him, of course, I checked my watch 2 minutes till the New Year I'm glad we were spending it together even if we were drawing but all I cared about is that we were together

"Sundrop," I said, "yeah Y/N?" He questioned but was chipper I went to ask but was nervous "never mind sorry" I spoke quietly but enough so he could hear "WHAT IS IT?" He asked wanting to know "oh gosh he's worried now," I thought I checked my watch one minute "one minute till the new year," I said hoping he would forget about what I said "OH THAT IS SO EXCITING" he beamed

Y/N: yep


Y/N: oh I am just was thinking about some stuff don't worry though bud

Time was ticking down could I confess? Even on New Years?

We sat there for what seemed like forever he showed me his drawing and I showed him mine his was of us holding hands with a heart in the middle mine well it was cheesy it was of him I blushed when I saw his "YOUR REALLY GOOD AT DRAWING ME YOUR QUITE THE ARTIST SUNSHINE" Sundrop said happily

"I like yours to" I stammered

Sundrop chuckled "YOUR FACE IS RED" he teased as if he was proud of himself

I checked the time it was officially the new year "happy new year sunny" I smiled Sundrop then stood up and lifted me in the air and spun me around "HAPPY NEW YEAR" he cheered and gave me a best imitation of a kiss

I had no words did he just really!? "I LOVE YOU Y/N I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO SAY THAT FOR A WHILE! I JUST HOPE YOU KNOW EVEN IF YOU DO NOT THINK OF ME THE SAME WAY" sundrop said and looked at me as he still held me up I chuckled "Aw sunny I love you to" I blushed

Sundrop spun his head around I could tell he was very happy and so was I best New Years ever.

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