Confessions in the Dark

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 The night was so dark the shadows of the forest threatened to swallow him whole. There was no moon, and even the stars were hidden thanks to the storm clouds rolling overhead. Derek huffed in a breath and prayed to whoever would listen that he could find him before the rain took his scent trail. The scent of warm printer ink found its way into Derek's nose once more and he swiveled his head to follow it in the right direction. Stiles. Judging by how fresh the scent was at this point he had to be getting close. Derek started following the scent once more when the overwhelming smell of copper and iron overwhelmed his senses.

Panic struck like the lighting overhead and Derek broke into a run. No, no, no, NO! He skidded to a stop at the edge of a clearing. There on the other side was the bloody, slumped form of Stiles. Derek strained his ears to make sure there weren't any enemies before tearing across the clearing in record time. The clouds opened up overhead with a clap of thunder. Dropping to his knees he made quick work of the ropes and carefully pulled Stiles into his arms.

"Stiles? Stiles, come on, wake up for me." Derek begged around the lump in his throat.

Shallow breaths wheezed out of Stiles' chest as cracked his eyes up at him. "Hey Sourwolf, you found me."

Derek nodded, eyes growing wet, "I'll always find you Stiles. Everything is going to be ok now. I've got you, we'll get you patched up, and you'll be good as new."

"I don't know if patches will work this time." Stiles coughed wetly. "It's always been you, ya know. The only one I'd ever accept the bite from."

"They have to. I'm not an alpha anymore Stiles. I can't..." Derek choked as tears began to mix with the falling rain. The words can't turn you, can't save you hung in the air between them.

Stiles lifted his hand slowly and placed it over Derel's pounding heart. "Your eyes aren't red anymore, but you are, and always have been my alpha."

A sob was wrenched from Derek's chest as Stiles' eyes started to go glassy. "Don't go Stiles, don't leave me like this. I love you."

A small smile pulled at the corner of Stiles' lips one last time, "love you sourwolf"

Stiles' and slid from Derek's chest and Derek threw his head to the sky and roared.

Derek shot out of bed with a roar, eyes glowing in the dark of his room. Lightning flashed, illuminating the rain pounding the windows of the loft. It took entirely too many heaving breaths before Derek could put his claws away. Even more before he felt his eyes go back to normal. Panic still tightening his chest he grabbed for his phone, 2am. He swiped it open and pulled up Stiles' number. He was probably fine and just sleeping, but the more the phone rang the more the nightmare threatened to overwhelm him again. Derek put the phone down to pull a shirt on. He would just run over there to check real quick.

He pulled in front of the Stilinksi household and noticed that the sheriff's cruiser was gone, and Stiles' light was still on. He stepped out of the camaro into the rain and climbed nimbly up to the roof by Stiles' window. Stiles was at his desk typing furiously with headphones on. His phone sat plugged in by the bed. No wonder he hadn't answered. Derek felt his chest finally start to loosen when Stiles suddenly turned and made eye contact with Derek. Trying not to feel like a deer caught in headlights he slowly pulled the window open to climb into Stiles' room.

"What's up Sourwolf?" Stiles asked, pulling the headphones off.

Derek opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He snapped it closed and clenched his jaw. Somehow it was impossible for Derek to say, I had a horrible nightmare about you and just had to make sure you were ok. Something must've shown in his face because Stiles nodded knowingly and he opened his door and walked into the hallway. He came back with a fluffy towel before moving over to his dresser. Stiles pulled out a pair of sleep pants and a shirt that looked suspiciously like Derek's. Derek's eyebrows hit his hairline in surprise.

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