In My Head

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I was walking down the hallway while listening to my new playlist. A bunch of songs that tell the story of a heartbreak. I listen to them for what I thinks no reason but I have a feeling it's because I needed someone or something to relate to. My favorite song was in my head. It describes my current situation the best. I was singing along the song.

Painted a picture, I thought I knew you well

I got a habit of seeing what isn't there

Tears are starting to flow already.

Falling, falling but I never thought you leave me

Falling, falling needed something to believe in

And I, I thought you were the one

But it was all in my head

"Emma" I heard a voice and immediately wiped the tears that had stared to flow. I paused the music and turned to see who it was.
"Oh hi Olivia, what's up?"
"I forgot to do my homework again."
"I fricking told you that it's getting really serious, I know damn well you don't want to fail this year."
"I don't, but my mom is angry at me. I was sitting in front of my desk with my book opened but I was way to angry and distracted to do them."
"So, you should've told me. I would've send you a picture of mine."
"My mom took my cellphone, like 6 months ago. Forgot already?"
"Oh my god, she still has it?!" I started to pull my homework from my bag.

"Thank you Emma, you are once again my life savior."
"Don't mention it, but please raise you hand if the teacher asks if anyone wants to read, I really want you to get a good grade so you pass. I won't read and let you do it."
"Thanks Emma, you are truly my one and only best friend."
"I'm also your only friend Oli."


"Ok I kind of deserved that" I said in a joking matter and while rubbing my neck lightly. I let her take my arm and drag me to the library.

I was looking for a book while Olivia copied my homework. Oh, that one looks interesting. I was trying to reach for it but for vain. I knew damn well that with my 5'4 I won't be reaching that book anytime soon. Then I felt a presence behind me.
I saw a hand reaching for the book I took interest in.

"Eliot? What are you doing here?" I asked in a confused matter. Eliot never shoved up to school, it was weird to see him at school so seeing him in the library could maybe mean the world is coming to an end.
Ok, maybe not.

"None of your business shorty." He said with a bored and unbothered expression. I reached for the book in his hands when I saw him pulling it away.

"Did you think I would give you the book." He said with an amused look in his face. I looked at him weirdly and shoved my middle finger in his face. "Piss off, assh*le." I was embarrassed and angry because I truly thought that this assh*le would give me that book. "Aww, is the little angel angry?" He said teasingly

I gave him one last look before I just went back to Olivia who was still copying my homework and sat down beside her. "What was that Emma?"
"That assh*le wouldn't give me that damn book!"
"Aww, do I sense an attraction?" Olivia asked with a hint of amusement in her voice. "Shut up and continue to do your shit"

She gave me one last smile before starting again and my thoughts found a way to think about him and started to feel down again then Eliot came to my mind and I started to get pissed again.

Thus a new story started to form.

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