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{Present • Day • Kuiya}

Days turned into weeks.
Weeks turned into months.
And months turned into Years.

Before I knew it, everything I knew was a distant memory.

I lost all my contacts and ways to my old life.
Except for one thing.

My Tokyo Manji Gang jacket.



"OK HERE I COME." I finish putting my rings and grab my jacket and run down stairs.


I currently live in Queens, New York; with my Aunt Shannyn.

Life here has been hell. My Aunt Shannyn is my father's sister. So I still have to see him. I'm technically raising myself, she only wants me for the checks. Hopefully that will be changing soon since I'll be 18 in a few months.


"Damn girl, who are you trying to impress" Imani said

"Me, Myself, and I"

We laughed and I grabbed my training bag.

"I'll see you later, Aunt Shan." Before she could respond I walked out and closed the door.

"You hungry?" She hands me a granola bar

"Always" I grab it and start eat it. "Thank you so much, girl."

"Yea, no problem I always have them on me."


Imani Davis
I met Imani when I first arrived back in America. She lived two doors down from my aunts place. Just like Mikey;
we became instant friends. Both of our home lives are not great, we lean on each other for support. So we decided when are both turn eighteen we will move out and live together. We are sisters in every way possible.

"So, have you heard anything about the apartment we are interested in?"

"No, not yet."


"Don't worry, even if we don't get it we can still move together."

"I guess you're right."

"Hey, girls"

"Hey Emma"

"Hey, boo" I said


Emma Kurokawa
  I met Emma in school. We had a few classes. We also had fashion club together; that's where we became really close. We have a lot in common. We are both from Japan and we are the youngest of four. She visits her family every summer. It's nice to have someone to talk to about home, it makes me feel like I'm still there.

Love & War // Mikey X Black OC // Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now