i really am lucky. (6)

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raspberry cookie :
ever since i saw parfait. i catched feelings for her. i'm shy to talk to her even tho i'm supposed to be bravee!!, but no, i'm kinda shy talking to her. i wanna tell her ever since i saw her, i loved her, but no my shyness took over, i am always watching her. and her every move. but ever since that NAGITO COOKIE, came in, with hopes up, talking to my PRINCESS! BRAVELY AND NOT BEING SHY... STEALING MY PRINCESS!, i shall cut his neck and stab him with my scarlet blade of my sword. i wish that lucky lucky hope nagito cookie didnt exists. I'M. supposed to be WITH parfait...
parfait : "so uh, raspberry, me and clover cookie are going outside heh, could you stay here"
clover : "why are we going outside?."
parfait : "something i need to tell you.."
clover pov :
is she confessing to me?, time does fly by!, i must be lucky today!... but maybe this isn't a confession.
parfait : "so. raspberry has been acting weird."
clover : "i could tell. she loves you more then i do. you dont even like someone like m- uh that was a mistake i wasnt saying i had feelings for you."
she probably has someone.
parfait : "oh please stop lying already paru paru!"
she kissed my cheek... i was confused and shocked but blushed. does she really like me?. n-no! she has someone special, why would she kiss me,
clover : "i'm a nobody to her!"
i realized i said my thoughts out loud. i quickly covered my mouth.
parfait : "what!?, no your not a nobody clover!, i do like you. your voice. your creamy soft fluffy white hair, clovers around you..your really c-cute... im sorry for kissing your cheek. i know you dont like me. by how you reacted to my kiss."
she does like me?. but what about raspberry!?,
clover : "w-what about raspberry!?... you like her right??, you have a gf or a bf right???... you dont love me! you have someone special!..."
parfait : "i do love ya! sillyy!!"
parfait kissed me again. but this time in my soft lips... my first kiss...
parfait : "no matter what, i dont have a gf nor bf!, i have you. i have feelings for you clover... dont overthink about me having someone else!, i love you.... so much paru paru!."
i.... i blushed by those sweet words. no one has said those to me...
clover : "i think.... i loved you too!!"
i kissed her this time. and we both blushed... i feel like i'm inlove with her... but i know something bad would happen to end this relationship...
raspberry pov :
i watched the whole thing... i feel like i wanna cry but, there's only one thing to do... kill.. him.
/part 7 soon/

'a lucky topping of a sweet popstar'/ cloverfait /clover cookie x parfait cookieWhere stories live. Discover now