Adam: Pool Day

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The ducks and I wanted to relax after a long morning practice. We wanted to let loose and have fun. I'm new to the team, so I want to get to know everyone outside of hockey.
Adam hosts since he has a big pool in his backyard. There was only one thing wrong with this all. I absolutely hate wearing a swimsuit. I don't like my body as much as others think I do. Yeah I'm an athlete but something about my stomach and thighs make me wanna hide forever...

We all show up to Adam's and everyone is excited to get in the pool. Charlie and some of the boys brought food for us all to snack on. Julie and Connie make their way to me. "Hey y/n.. wait where's your swimsuit"?. I went silent not knowing what to say. "I shrug my shoulders and ignore the question. "How are you guys doing ? I really missed everyone". I made up a lie that my stomach was hurting so the girls would believe me. Everyone was starting to get into the water and having fun. The boys were all scattered around the pool being goofy as always. Averman jumped into the pool with Goldberg making me laugh. Dean and Fulton were talking about how cool the backyard was, Julie and Connie were chatting in the hot tub with a couple sodas. Music was playing and the vibe was great.

Adam comes out from the house with more food for us and walks toward me. "Hey y/n, why don't you join us?". I look down avoiding the question for a second time. I couldn't tell Adam, he wouldn't get it. I have the biggest crush on him so talking about personal stuff doesn't feel right. Tears well up in my eyes, Adam notices. I get up and run into his house crying really hard. Everyone stops and looks at me as I run away. I was so embarrassed and frustrated.

I run into one of Adams guest rooms and fall onto the bed sobbing into the pillows. After a few minutes someone knocks on the door." Hey, is everything okay, wanna talk?". It was Adam. Ughhhhh! "No just leave me be, I'll be fine". I obviously lied AGAIN. "I know when something isn't right. You are my friend, please let me in". "Fine". I am still facing away from the door as Adam enters the room. I feel him sink into the bed, sitting beside me. "Y/n what's wrong ?". "I don't want to talk about it". "Please tell me, you can tell me anything (your cute nickname the team made for you)". I sit up and wipe my tears. "Adam, I really am glad to be here with the ducks and you but I didn't bring a swimsuit on purpose. It's hard to talk about, but I am really insecure with my body and I didn't want anyone to see me in a swimsuit". It's taking everything in me to not fall apart. "Y/n, I think you are great just the way you are. I care about you more than just because of what you look like. You are an Angel and the team and I adore you. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you. I umm..actually like your body". You pause and look at Adam, taken aback by what he said. "You like my body?" I responded, changing my position on the bed. I'm now facing him sitting with my legs crossed, in shock. "Yes I really do. In fact, I really like you too..more than a friend". Adam's face softens as he looks into your eyes. I notice that his eyes are trailing to my lips and back to my eyes. Adam leans in slowly and kisses my lips. I immediately melted into his lips and he brought me into a tight hug, holding my head. "Will you be my girlfriend ?". I nodded my head smiling and pecking his lips once more. Adam takes my hand and leads me back to the yard with the rest of the ducks. Connie and Julie came up to me with smiles and handed me what looks like a swimsuit. "What's this for ?". "We packed an extra one just in case, if you change your mind, you can borrow it". Connie hands me the suit kindly trying not to make a scene. "Thank you Connie, I did change my mind". I smile back at her and she and Julie head back to the pool. "That's my girl". Adam winks at me. I get changed really quick and as soon as I set my stuff down on the pool chair, I feel a pair of hands hold my waist form behind. "See, you look perfect, nothing to worry about, love". I lean backward into Adams embrace to show my appreciation. Adam picks me up from behind and all the sudden I am in the pool. I come up to the surface laughing pushing Adam under water. "Hey!!" I whine. "Sorry princess I couldn't resist." I kiss him quickly and everyone starts whistling and howling. We both laugh at the reaction. From that day on, I never felt more confident in my entire life. All because of Adam. I'm so lucky to have him in my life :)

Thanks for reading !!

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