chapter 1

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An early Friday morning
"Y/n are you awake?"
You hear an admiring voice trail down your long corridor
"Ofcource i am you dumbo" you say energetically
Whilst throwing a pillow at him as he enters the room
"So i was thinking.." Theo says with a happy tone
"Here it comes"
"Why don't we skip the day, who actually wants to go to school?"
"Are you being serious, my mum would kill me and my bother Scott will snitch!"
"He doesn't have to know"
All of a sudden 2 people burst through your bedroom door
"What don't i need to know" the taller one says
"Oh nothing brother, we were just thinking of something to do after school"
The smaller boy his names stiles he has been your brothers best friend since he was young but so has Theo your best friend, you and your brother
Scott are twins, because of this you and him all ways had the same group of friends that's just how it works, Scott and you have always gotten along which meant you never really kept secrets from each over but there's just one secret you just can't tell..
Your in love with your bestfriend {Theo} he would be so mad if you ever told him at this point you just don't have the courage to tell him.
Anyways back to it.
"I really think we should head to school y/n, I don't wanna be late" Theo says
"Oh my gosh yeah I didn't even think about that" "ill see you At school Scott and stiles"
You and Theo hurry down the stairs
"Hey hun, I'm dropping your brother and stiles of as their late and you and Theo are too, you want me to give you a ride?" Your mother says.
"No thanks Melissa we will be fine" Theo says
"Okay you Both have a good day"
"Bye mum!"
You and Theo walk out.
"We are good liars" you say while chuckling
"Well you learnt from the best" he says.

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