chapter 2

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"So where are we heading?" You say keen to know
"What do you think?" Theo says
"I don't know maybe your favourite place the abandoned house?"
"That's it!" He says,  "unless you have something else in mind" he says in a kind tone
You and Theo walk down the road until you get to a enclosed, quiet road
"Okay this is actually creepy" you say abit flustered
"Its alright I'll protect you" he says while a sudden shiver runs down your spine causing a sudden rush of butterfly's to form in your stomach..
"You do remember im a werewolf right?" He also says
you lightly smack him round the head "ofcource i do"
You both eventually get to the abandoned house,
"Why has this all of a sudden got even creepier"
"Your coming!" Theo says while grabbing your hand and leading you to the font door.
"So what are we actually going to do here all day" you say while taking a seat
"Figure out how to stop the dread doctors" he says
"Ill grab a book then"
After hours and hours of working you and Theo accidentally fall asleep on top on eachover, after sleeping for a while Theo eventually wakes up to his phone ringing he lightly gets his arm of you not to wake you, he picks up his phone to see 10 missed call from scott, he leaves the room to ring him back.
"Hello"Theo says
"Where the hell are you guys??" Scott says
"It doesn't matter, whats up?"
"The dread doctors are here, get your ass here now!!"
He quickly picks up his coat, puts it on and leaves you asleep to make sure your safe away from the dread doctors.
Theo eventually gets to the school and runs in to help.
After a few minutes of fighting they eventually leave..
"Where is my sister?" Scott says out 0f breath
"I left her asleep, i thought there was no point waking her up to just to make her fight and get hurt"
"You defo like her" Lydia says
"Shut up, no I don't"
"So you were both asleep together" Liam says while raising a eyebrow
"I didn't fall asleep aswell it was just her" Theo says
"Okay so why did you miss like 10 of our calls?" Allison says
"Could you all just shut up" Theo says

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