Chapter Ten *** The Journey

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"We're here " Harry stated rather cheerfully, not like he was happy to spend time with the Dursley's.. but it was a bit satisfying to know no one will worry about what he does for a while 

"Right you are " Ron replied

And all of a sudden everything became awkward in a blink of an eye

The trio left the train quietly without looking at each other eyes

"I guess this is it. " Harry said

"Yeah guess so,but Harry? " Hermione said calmly

"Yeah?" The boy who lived, said with a weak tone, trying his best not to frown at his friend

"Promise us you wouldn't go look for trouble alright? "

"Well actually, its trouble who usually finds me ... " he glanced at Hermione glaring daggers at him "alright, I promise! " he rose his hands as a sign of defeat, giving Hermione a satisfaction

"Not reassuring enough, but I could live with that. Right,  so bye boys! " she said and left like that.

One down, one to go... Harry thought to himself


"Ron "

He stretched his hand out for a shake as Harry took it.

"I hope...I hope you understand that...understand that...that " his ears started to get red, fixing his gaze at the ground

"That what mate? "

"That we will be there if you need us "
" Thanks Ron but honestly,  that wouldn't be needed "
"Hope so " He said with a sheepish grin on his freckled face " oh! By the way Dad is trying to get tickets for Quidditch this summer! If he can manage... we will bring you too! "

"Great! When's the game? "

"Dunno...two months later I guess? "

"Wicked! See you later then "

"Bye "

"Bye "

Yes! his going to see quiditch! What's greater than that?
Great...bloody great...he actually forgot about his plan...two month...two month...harry just hoped he could've succeed till then.

He searched the station for about ten minutes till he finally found the Dursley's, silently judging people (wizards ) with weird clothes on them

They didn't talk much in the car...just a simple hello as usual
The moment Harry stepped into his current little bedroom he started writing a letter to his ex DADA professor ; Remus

Dear professor,
Harry erased professor sadly out of his letter ;

Dear Moony

How are you? I had a favour to ask you if you don't mind?
Actually I have asked professor Dumbledore about my mom and dads wand? He said you took them later in their...funeral probably?
I just kind of wanted be closer to them, if there's no problem, can I have them for a while?

He then gave the letter to Hedwig and started the progress of waiting...
One day...two day...three day and Hedwig wasn't still back! Harry was starting to get worried with the fear of Dumbledore telling Lupin his suspicion ...

Day four :

The sun was out it was a warm and welcoming day at privet drive... Harry was laying on his bed half asleep that suddenly he heard a familiar was hedwigs!
She came in with a package! Harry opened the package eagerly...YES! It was lily and James potters wand! Plus a letter within the package!
He opened the letter excitedly ;

Dear harry
Albus was right...I have James and lily's wand and I knew that one day you'll be willing to own them that's why I have passed it to hedwig to give it to you.
Oh and by the way if your wondering...pad foot is currently doing just fine... so no worries over there!

He dropped the letter and looked at his parents wands...measuring them carefully.
Now what? The boy sat down nervously...breathing fast...should I do it then? But what would I do to the body? Aunt petunia will defiantly find out till then... he needed help to put his body in a safe place...someone that wouldn't stop him...someone that would obey even if he or she doesn't approve of this plan themselves...

Hi every one!
So the chapter is getting kinda interesting eh?
Harry will probably meet his parents in chapter eleven!

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