Y...You like her, not me?

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A normal day for Tom, he woke up, brushed his teeth, got cleaned, set his clothes, and brushed his hair. Soon he got ready for college, (Yep).  

I began walking to the hallways of my school, there stood the famous boy, of this school, Tord Larrison. Yeah, he was not alone, in fact, he was never alone, he was most of the time, surrounded by girls. He flirts with them, ew! like who would do it, right? Of course, I had feelings for him, but I didn't know if he felt the same.

"Hey Edd, Matt!" I called out the names of my two best friends, "Hey Tom!"  "So, wanna have a hangover after school guys?" Yeah! Heck Yeah! Edd said crazily. Well, he loved hangovers. God, thanks you have given me two crazy, but incredible friends. "Tom, TOM, EARTH TO TOMM!" "Uhm. Y-Yeah?"  "Whatchu thinking, let's get to class" Of course, Edd.

(Well, I write in boredom, so time skips after classes?...)

(Oof...) Edd! You run fast! Matt said, in a tired tone. "Bruh, the hell, we didn't even run 1km! Edd said. Guys! Are we going TO RUN ALL DAY! I said of boredom. "Hey everyone!" Who's that? Matt asked. "Hey, Tord!" Edd said. "I kept staring at Tord in amazement" "Tord how are you here? I didn't tell you that we are here" Oh Edd, I have my ways~" That smile, can make, anyone's heart melt. And so did it happen to me. "Hey, Tom... right?" Tord said. "U-uh Y-Yeah" Oh, Edd has told me a lot about you" Hey, Tom, you were saying, you are bored" Y-Yes, I-I mean N-No, N-No, I MEAN YES EDD, we have loa t of thing to don't we Edd?~" Uhm, Okay, Sure!"

"Let's hang out together, you okay with it Tord?" Yeah, Yeah! Finally some peace from the girls, you wIll NeVeR kNoW hOw does it feel like, Edd." Yeah, stop with your dramas, and let's go!"

(Timeskip, because why not?...)

Tom, are you feeling okay? Y-yeah just, feeling tired. You aren't fun dude. Matt said. "Yeah now shut up." And with that, we went to our homes. I pulled up my blankets, replaying what has happened. I loved Tord for... you can say, 3years. Yeah silly me. I will surely tell him this Valentine's day. Wow, what a day to confess!

In the morning~

I woke up to the rays of the sun, that were showing up on my face. Same boring day, to college. I woke up and picked my phone. Well, what a great day! (Dude, you just said it boring-) 

There stood the wallpaper of Tord, my crush, I even had my phone lock code name Tord. I loved Tord. I checked the time, it was 6:38. I tapped *Calender* in my phone, and saw, that Tomorrow is VALENTINE'S DAY. Wow! I will finally do it. 

I got up, get fresh, then cleaned, and went to college. I saw Tord again flirting with, a special girl I think. I just rubbed it off, going to my classroom. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day. I can't wait.

(Time skip after the classes) 

I told Edd and Matt, about the confession. "Ooo~ Tom" "My boy has finally grown up," Edd said. Wai- WHAT! I was young before? "Uh. More like... that?" Edd said. Well bye Edd and Matt, I am going to do preparations. "Bye Tom!"

I went to my home happily, oh dear god, finally my dream has come true! I will confess to him, TOMORROW!!

I chose the best outfit, and everything. Finally. I went home, to get my beauty sleep. I shouldn't have bags under my eyes!

(Time skip to tomorrow, and it's the best (worse) day for Thomas Ridgewell)

I got ready and checked everything, Hair-Brushed. Gift-Done. Clothes-Done. Everything Done!

I went to the park, cause I knew that all people, will come here only. I saw Tord. "Tor-" Suddenly, some beautiful girl, in her beautiful dress, came in front of Tord. She confessed, "W-What" Tord will not like her back, right?" I could see tears from my eyes. H-He c-confessed? "Now, I couldn't stop me from crying. First they confessed, then they kissed! Oh god. Why this always happens to me. No one was paying attention to me. They were clapping and cheering, for *the new couple*. 

TordTom Oneshots (Most probably)Where stories live. Discover now