chapter 11

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Type's pov

We packed our clothes and toiletries in our bags before placing them in the corner of living room. Tommorow morning we are leaving to city.  Am very very excited i miss thanya so much . I wanna tell her about tharn . She would be so happy .

I slept looking at tharn who was sleeping with a cute pout . He so adorable like a baby . And his cheeks they are soo fucking cute .

I woke up when alarm started ringing . I went to freshen up first so tharn can get some more sleep. After bathing i woke him up before going downstairs to cook some breakfast for us . I made some pancakes and fruit bowl.

I already mentioned the shop owner that am leaving this place because of some emergency. They were really good people. He accepted without hesitation even gave me extra money which I denied immediately.

After eating we started our journey. It wasn't boring like last time because we both are much more closer than before . Uncle told us the location.all long the journey me and tharn shared so many thoughts. I realised that he was nervous about meeting thanya . I was planning to propose him and ask him to be my boyfriend.

It was already 7pm when we reached the location uncle sent.  We saw him sitting in a car . We exchanged few greetings before he asked us to follow his car .

It was like other side of the city near a hilly region .it was full of trees and looked a little creepy though. I was shocked to find a house in this place . As soon as I reached thanya hugged me tightly.

Mew was just standing in the corner with a calm face . I walked towards him laced our fingers before standing infront of thanya.  She looked at me confused.

Type :- thanya do you remember aunt sophi ?
She nodded her head fastly making me chuckle slightly.

Type :- he is aunt Sophi's son tharn . Someone saved him and kept near the orphanage gate .

Thanya looked shocked she scoffed before pulling me to kitchen.

Thanya :- phi type are you crazy or what ? How can he be alive when everyone died that day on the spot.

Type :- but i saw the ring with him thanya the one I gave to aunt Sophi's son when he was born and don't worry the day he was found the day our elders died was same day and you know something he was in Busan orphanage till he was adopted by mrs.suppasit .

She nodded her head hesitantly when we went back to living i saw tharn sitting on couch with a sad face . Thanya didn't even talk to him . I sat beside him and tried cheering him up .

It's been one week since we were trying to adjust In this new place . I started going back to my work.  Tharn is staying with fai , aunt and thanya. I saw how he tried talking to thanya but she always ignored him making me angry . I warned her not to behave like that but she did that again and again.

Today i came back from work early i wanted to spend some time with tharn . He looked so weak these days . His face isn't glowing like before he looked pale and thin.

I saw him sitting on terrace . I wanted to take him to shopping so he will feel better and i wanted to buy few new things to him .

Type:- hey tharn baby can you go and dress up in casuals we are going out ?
I asked him in my baby voice trying to cheer him .he instantly smiled and pecked my lips before running away . I chuckled at his cute behavior.

I freshened up and changed into something fashionable before going to his room .i saw tharn wore a white tshirt and pants . He wore a simple dress but he looked so beautiful that I couldn't my eyes of him . He has me wrapped around his little finger .

I pecked his lips before going to living room i informed them that we are going for shopping. Thanya gave me a disappointed look before going back to their room.

I started the bike and waited for tharn to settle .he hugged my waist as i started . We reached the mall in 45 minutes. As the traffic was less we reached early.

I took him to so many stores but he didn't like anything. We watched a movie and had some icecream. We were walking towards the parking lot when tharn clutched my hand tightly. I looked him confused only to find him frowning and rubbing his forehead before his eyes rolled back and he fell on me .

I was shocked i tried waking him up but he wasn't moving i carried him to out side and hailed a cab to a nearby hospital. We immediately entered the emergency room he was placed on a stretcher and was took inside. I sat outside waiting anxiously.

After 40 minutes doctor came out sweating and little bit excited making me feel weird .

Type :- doctor how is he ? What happened to him ? Is he alright?

Doctor:- take a deep breath young man relax he is fine but can we talk privately ?

I nodded at him and followed him to his cabin. He asked me to sit before giving me a water bottle. I gulped half of the bottle and tried calming my breath. I was so scared when tharn fell unconscious like that .

Doctor :- so what's your relationship with him ?

Type :- he is my boyfriend doctor.
I half-lied to him because their's no wrong right i like that and I am going to ask him to be my boyfriend.

Doctor:- did you have any intercourse without protection?
He asked suddenly making me blush . I remember our first time in the cabin.  I nodded to the doctor.

Doctor:- listen carefully and don't panic . You know their are 5% men on earth who can get pregnant and he is one of them .

Shock would be understatement. Everything around me froze for few seconds before i looked at him confused.

Doctor:- he is 7 weeks pregnant.
Doctor told blowing my mind. Fuck i knocked him on first time I guess .
I felt immense happiness. Now tharn is mine forever. Yess !!!!!!
Am going through be a father . I left from doctor's cabin after talking some more about his health.


Hello everyone. Hope you like this chapter. Sorry if you find typos.

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