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Harper has had a hard time with relationships. Not only did she have to deal with her now ex-boyfriend leaving her (for no reason it seemed), but she is in her denial phase. When you're in your denial phase after a breakup, you question everything and what you did wrong. And that's exactly what Harper's doing.

To get her mind off of her broken heart, she does random things. She goes out to the coffee shop. She goes to the aquarium. She goes to the local history museum in hopes she'll see him.

Whatever she does to get him off her mind, something always brings him back. "He loves caramel cappuccinos."
"He was a science of aquatic life major in college."
"He had a hobby to do with historic artifacts."

Everything brought him back in her mind as if he never left. She questions what she did wrong, thinking him leaving was all her fault, when that was the complete opposite of what happened.

Yet, she still has daydreams wondering if he's happy without her. Her conscious all in disarray.

So she starts getting used to waking up alone everyday, without him by her side.
She refrains from looking at her phone with every notification popping up thinking it was him.
She changes. And soon finds out, she doesn't need him.

She's stronger now.

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