001 Reborn (New)

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Elizabeth POV

I died on the way to the convince store, how is an interesting story, I may or may not have tripped on nothing and I may or may not have bleed out. Anyways that's beside the point I died. No one was gonna miss me I don't really have friends or Family so I guess it didn't matter

I was bored I thought Death would be the next great adventure or something but here I was in a weird gummy feeling bubble with fused hands and feet I was also squished in it with something else next to me, I waited what felt like years until I figured out what I was in and when I did I almost died. Again. I was in a freaking pregnancy sack and I had a twin which was nice I guess

I soon figured out I could move around so that's what I did, I could never find a comfortable spot in this tiny sack especially with my twin next to me, it was nice though as we were close and I could hold his hand through the slimy walls I had a feeling we would be close when we get out

They next few months were hard as space seem to be limited soon we didn't have any space at all but we got used to each other being squished against one another but at times we would push and shove each other for some more space which never worked

Fast forward four months

It has currently been 2 years just kidding it has been a couple months if I counted correctly and me and my twin who I found out was a boy are currently more squished together than ever which is a big pain in the butt

I was currently trying to cover my ears which wasn't working by the way as our rental box was screaming loudly and it was hurting my twins and I's ears, soon my twin was sucked into oblivion and I was left alone "Heres Baby number one congratulations its a boy" A muffled voice said great now let me out, i moved around and it wasn't until a couple minutes later I was sucked into oblivion too "And here's baby number two congratulations its a girl" A muffled voice said before I was being passed around and clean it felt uncomfortable so squirmed a bit before just giving up all together until I heard a cry which I knew had to be my twins cause what other baby could be here

His cry made me want to cry if that made sense, my cry wasn't as shrill as his but it was still loud "Grayson bring her here" I heard a tired voice demand and then I was being moved and then I was handed to somebody else I pushed my eyes to open with all my might and when I did everything was fuzzy until I continued to blink like 20 times until it was clear I seen a female who I guessed was my mom looking down at me and a male who I guessed was my dad before my eyes settled on my twin who was already looking at me with his brown eyes

As soon as we locked eyes he stopped crying "What are their names" Another voice asked "Pietro and Elizabeth Gilbert" Mom said wait hold up did she just say Gilbert there is now way in hell it is just a coincidence I thought still looking around until my eyes stopped at the male who spoke

As soon as I saw him I started crying scaring everybody and it wasn't long until my twin started crying with I thought this was just a big coincidence but seeing John Gilbert's ugly face confirms that I am in my past favorite show which is not what I expected or wanted my quote unquote parents soon got us to calm down and sleep which I needed being reborn in a TV show and having a twin is exhausting

As soon as I saw him I started crying scaring everybody and it wasn't long until my twin started crying with I thought this was just a big coincidence but seeing John Gilbert's ugly face confirms that I am in my past favorite show which is not wha...

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