005 The Deadly Football Game (New)

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Elizabeth POV

It was the day after Elena's dinner party and we have the football game today, Care and I are in our cheerleading clothes which always makes me a little uncomfortable with all the guys looking at me so I try and stay as close as possible to the group, Tyler, Pietro and Jeremy glare and anybody who looks at Care and I in a weird way

And soon its night and we are listening to Tanner give his yearly speech "Wait wait wait settle" He said waving his hands to quiet everyone down "Now lets be honest here in the past we let other teams come into out town and roll over us" He said causing us to boo loudly "But that us about to change" That statement made everyone cheer

"We've some hard working star players and in my years of coaching I haven't seen talent like this Lets give it up for Tyler Lockwood and Stefan Salvatore" He said clapping causing the everyone to cheer ''Hey I'm going to find Jeremy'' I said to Caroline as Jeremy left the group earlier "Alright be safe and be back for formation" She replied looking at me

I nodded and walked off in the direction I knew I would find Jere when I found him he was sitting with the art kids drinking and smoking, he saw me and waved I was about to do the same when two guys from the opposite team came up to me "Hey little lady why are you all alone" One said looking me up and down while I looked at him in disgust men are disgusting

"You have two seconds to move out of my way before I move you myself" I said glaring at him one laughed and went to touch me when I backed up and ran at him wrapping my legs aroung his neck and flipping him on the floor

"You have two seconds to move out of my way before I move you myself" I said glaring at him one laughed and went to touch me when I backed up and ran at him wrapping my legs aroung his neck and flipping him on the floor

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His friend cursed at me "You little bitch" He said before he tried to punch me I deflected it spun him around and punched him instead

I had both of them groaning on the floor in pain by now a crowd was formed I scoffed "Pathetic" I spat continuing walking towards Jere not seeing the one behind me till I heard a struggle I turned to see Tyler beating up the one who was about to t...

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I had both of them groaning on the floor in pain by now a crowd was formed I scoffed "Pathetic" I spat continuing walking towards Jere not seeing the one behind me till I heard a struggle I turned to see Tyler beating up the one who was about to touch me

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