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Author's Note: Howdy! I'm excited to write something a little out of my usual style. It's been a while since I wrote something worth sharing with everyone and I hope you'll stick around for more chapters and maybe other stories I'm working on <3 Please Vote and comment!!


"Come on, Nana. I promise today will be different."

The small girl continued to wear a grumpy pout on her lips, her slim arms crossed over her chest as she slumped against the kitchen island counter, her backpack pressed against the cupboard doors.

I sighed as I crouched down to her level, feet flat against the tile floor while I stroked a strand of her out of her face.

"Nanami," I said in a warming tone, "it's your second day of school. I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends at your new school."

Nana continued to sulk with her eyes avoiding mine, I lost count of the times she would have a sook while refusing to move from her spot – from the playground, her bed or the shopping centre floor when she was refused to have a toy purchased as a little kid.

As much as my upbringing told me to be hard on my little sister – in order to toughen the girl up for the world ahead – I despised showing her cruel punishments and harsh words. I just couldn't.

Maybe that pout had made me soft.

I gently squeezed her arm with reassurance, "Hey, I know yesterday was hard but it's not the end of the world. I remember back in primary school when kids would pick on me for no reason."

Her eyes had lifted up to mine with empathy but only for a second before burying her chin into her arms, hiding her stiff pout from view.

"But you know what I wish I had back then?" I asked, my lips curling into smile. "A big sister that beat up any boy that even looked at me funny."

I gently poked her side, a small smile tugging at her lips as she scooted away from my tickling fingers.

"Come on, point them out after school and I'll make sure they wet themselves."

This time I was able to get a giggle from Nana, her dimples forming on her round cheeks with her body extending further to show her defenses coming down.

I knew what it felt like to feel alone, it's something I never want her to feel – to be alone in her feelings. No one deserves to be outcasted, especially not my sister.

"So?" I stroked her hair, "what's it gonna be Nana?"

After a tense and shaky breath, she nodded and stood up, ready to face the day with a stern yet cheerful smile.

"Okay," she murmured, "can I play High School Musical in the car?"

That damn CD, she was obsessed and I was tempted to take it out of my car, but today was going to be her day. "Yes, you may."

She looked up at the clock before making her way to the front door, kicking on her shoes.

"Don't forget to take an umbrella," I called out, reaching for the open window when I froze.

I stared out the kitchen window in pure shock, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach while beating a mile a minute. Was I seeing things? Because if I was seeing a man starring daggers into me, I might just have to double check my doors and windows every night in fear that this man had a death wish on me.

It wasn't that he was staring with stink eye, but how pale his skin looked in the grey light of the morning overcast, his clothes drenched in the midnight rain. My eyes trailed down his torso to see red staining his white shirt, a comical design if you wanted to scare the shit out of someone with imagination, because from where I stood, it looked a lot like—

Under Melted SnowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin