First Chapter: About Himari Runtashi

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Hi, I'm Himari, a 5 year old kid who loves to explore thing that are new to my environment.When my brother have a bad case of gastroenteritis, I often visit him in the hospital, but when I went outside the hospital, I was bumped up with a little boy who has same age as me.
He has a fire colored hair, fiery red eyes, and a fox tail and ears.

Is he dangerous?

Note: Himari is also immortal.she has superstrength power and healing power from her mom.

Name: Himari Runtashi
H/C: Lavander hair
E/C: Ruby eyes
Gender: Female

Henry Runtashi- Father
Hinata Kazumi-Mother

Hansuke Runtashi - Younger brother

Love Beyond FlawsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora