CHAPTER 1.2 : Mysterious Sickness Out of The Blue

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It was actually happened when I was alone inside my room playing with my stuffed animals. But then a moment later, I started feeling a few cramps on my tummy which it makes me uncomfortable somehow, maybe it's just normal so I constantly ignored it.

Weeks later....

I started to feel dizzy and nauseous at the same time, also my stomach ache is getting worse than the normal ones, I also have few pain in my right shoulder and losing so much weight which made me curious of what is happening inside me though I was still 3 years old at that time, and I exactly don't know how am I gonna deal with this mysterious things that is happening in me.

Till the day has finally come....

I've wrote it in a piece of paper and tug my mother's shirt to know I was there....
so she asked "What is it, my child? Is there anything wrong?"Then I let her read the piece of paper where I wrote down on what is going on me.
"Momma,help me.... I've been sick 2 weeks ago. It started when I have a stomach ache like it isn't too normal for me. I only taught that it's only a tummy bug until it got worse this time..."
No matter why Mom was shocked when she read it and asked , How do I feel right now... I answered her in a sign language that, It is really awfully painful this time, then I sobbed as a confirmation.
But then, Mom hurriedly take me to the hospital like she is really troubled deep inside. When we finally entered the emergency room, the doctors brought me in the ultrasound imaging room to check my stomach. They put a cold jelly to my stomach and start rubbing it with the ultrasound . There the doctors were shocked when they saw my liver. it was swelling and it looks like cancerous. So they give me tests for my liver .

After the test result, they once knew that I have stage 2 liver cancer. It is a bit dangerous that some people have died because of cancer.
My mom was sobbing real hard and asked," Why is this happening to my child? He hasn't done anything wrong, why...WHY!!!!"As she cried so hard .

Not even a hour later,
The doctors arrived and told my Mom that I will have an operation, they already have a donor of liver to replace my cancerous liver out of it . My life chances was at 0.01%. I was in the ICU then transferred to the pre-surgery room to talk about what is gonna happen in the middle of the operation. The anaesthesiologist told me everything, Then she saw me shivering because of fear.
"Don't worry little boy, everything is going to be fine... maybe after the operation, everything will be turning back to normal, and it will help you live longer than you expect. Do you wanna survive from your cancer or not?" She asked.
I answered in sign language, "I don't really wanna die, I am too young for death, I wanted to study and graduate, have a job and marry the love of my life, then I sobbed."I just wanted to live a normal life like the other children . Is that wrong?"The anaesthesiologist answered, "No , but before you achieve that, you must take the operation. Are you ready?She asked. I nodded as a confirmation. They already pull the hospital bed straight to the OR and I slowly closed my eyes full of tears.

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