rant #2- my little sister

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A/N: you don't have to read any of this crap.

So in the last chapter, I have ranted about my sister and how she keeps me up at night. Well... she is doing again and I want to sleep along with everyone else (4 other people including myself). It is too late to go to my friends house as it is almost midnight and my brain is begging me to sleep but I can't do anything about it.
I feel like I am loosing my sanity every minute she stays up. For a long time we haven't got along, but at this point I am willing to call DHS on her soon. (If you don't know DHS is a service that takes children from families and gives them to other people.) I have been thinking of doing it for weeks now, and I now have the number saved in my phone and am about to call them to get rid of that annoying brat.

Update: it is almost 1am and she is still awake, which means I am also awake... help please.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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