Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


As much as I wanted to be with Carl, I had to do something about the problem at hand. If they arrest me, then the true culprit is never going to be found. I go sit in my car, still debating if I want to leave, or be with Carl, just then I hear the resort manager yelling from behind me!

"Come back you murderer, don't leave. The cops are going to find you either way!" He screams. I start the engine and drive straight to the toppled towers. I park my car haphazardly, run inside, run to my room, grab everything I can see at first glance, my phone, my laptop, my wallet, and my bag. Stuffed it all inside and was about to leave when I realise that I have to get some of Carl's stuff, his phone. I need his phone, I remember him sitting and typing down stuff yesterday, I took his bag along with the phone and rushed to the car. As I got into the car, I saw the police car go towards the resort in the rearview mirror. I knew they'd come for me now.

I reversed the car and drove as fast as I could. I needed to get out of this lane, hit the highways, and calmly think who can help me the best.

Problem upon problem, I was running low on gas and the car would stop any minute, I was passing by the gas station now, the same gas station where we'd filled gas when we came here. Carl did it while I was getting snacks. I got out and was filling gas when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see the same man, the man who'd terrified me the last time I was here. I didn't run this time. I stood still, as still as I could waiting for the gas to be filled.

"Is everything well son, I tried warning you about not going to the toppled towers, but you ran away, unnecessarily."

"I lost a friend." I said, still scared but this man didn't seem as scary as he looked.
"You didn't lose a friend. You were made to lose a friend. Had you listened to me, your friend would've been standing by you now" he said. I was confused. Who was this man and what did he know?

"Sir, I don't have a lot of time but can you please tell me what you know about that place."

"The towers aren't a good place to be, an entire family was burnt down there. If I close my eyes, I can still hear the screams of the people inside. I live in guilt for not saving them." He trailed off.

"Who are you?"

"I was a worker for the people who owned that tower, they treated me so well, gave me all the respect but that day, I couldn't do anything." He said with regret and sorrow in his voice.

"Why did you want to warn us that day? What do you know that you're not telling me. It's really important, please tell me." I requested. The man was about to open his mouth to speak when I heard the 'ting' from the machine, the gas was refilled, I reached over to put it back when I notice, a police jeep on the opposite side, 2 policemen sitting inside. My heart was pounding, I tried to behave as normally as possible and leave immediately.

As I started the car, the man came to the window and said, "I know secrets about the house that no one does. I know who killed that entire family, but I'm helpless." His eyes were filling up, I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

I wanted to stay and hear about it but at the same time the voices of the policemen were getting louder, I turn to see that they were walking right towards my car. I say goodbye to the man and drive off before the cops get too close.

I'd been driving for close to 30 minutes. That's when my phone buzzes I pick it up to see a message from an unknown number, I was going to keep the phone away. That's when I read the first line of the message.

"Hi, this is the Nurse from the resort, things aren't going too well back here." The first line read. I knew I was gonna get caught, but I wanted to have enough time to think of my choices. This place was quite gloomy. Trees bordering the road on both sides, with mud paths coming out here and there. I drove on one mud path and stopped the car at a distance.

I hurriedly pulled out my phone and read the message on my phone.

"Hi, this is the Nurse from the resort, things aren't going too well back here. Everything is happening in such a haste manner that it is becoming difficult to comprehend everything. The autopsy team won't be arriving, neither are the cops chasing you. The burial will take place within 45 mins or earlier. I don't recommend you to come back now. Mr. Lentas is making sure that you're caught. This burial may be a reason to bring you back. Think of it all and make your decision." My hands were shaking as I read the message. Burial? Already? It's hardly an hour since we discovered he was dead and they're already doing the burial.

I read the message again to convince myself that I wasn't hallucinating or imagining stuff. Why aren't the cops chasing me, why isn't there an autopsy. Who is Mr. Lentas? I had so many questions to be answered but who had the answers? No one. I was sure that the Nurse would know who Mr. Lentas was, so I decided to ask her. I was typing the message when I get a call.

The call was from Calareanne. This call wouldn't have done any harm had it come 5 minutes ago, but now I'm incredibly hesitant to answer it. I want to think it through but my brain was struggling to understand what was happening, my heart not agreeing to what was happening, I was a mess.

This puzzle had so many pieces, most lost. I was finding them now piece by piece in the most shocking way.

I hadn't saved Calareanne's name as Calarie or anything else, I'd saved it as her full name because I had the habit of saving contacts with the same names. I remember yelling at Carl, for something so silly. I remember clearly, asking him if he knew Calareanne and out of anger I even asked him if he wanted her surname as well, that's when he collapsed, he fainted in my arms. Memories started flowing in and my heart ached for not treating Carl the way I should have.

I looked at the name one last time before answering the call, Calareanne Lentas. I asked myself what worse could happen and I didn't have an answer, so I answered the call.

"Hi Calarie, how's everything there?" I asked, trying to sound as genuine as possible.

"Hi Jamie, you're asking me how's everything here. It's not good, it's not good at all. They're going to finish Carl's burial within 2 hours and don't you think you should be here, at least for Carl." She said, her voice sounding heavy, it sounded like she'd been crying.

"I want to be there, I will be there, I'm coming back but.......but if I come back the cops are not going to spare me, I'm going to be behind bars for something I haven't done at all."

"I'll make sure you're not punished"

"You cannot assure me, not you of all the people. Your dad is the one who's making sure I'm caught. I don't know even now, if you're just calling me back so I get caught, what if you're just making sure I get caught." I said, bitterly.

"How could you even think I'd do that to you? Come back if you want, otherwise, just flee like a coward."

"Can I ask you one last thing? Is Mr. Lentas, the owner of the resort. Are you the daughter of the resort owner?"

"Yes, I am. What about that?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to confirm, I didn't know you were his daughter. Bye." I said and hung up.

Carl was right, he always was, he told me not to trust anyone blindly, not to rely on people too much but I didn't have an option now. I would never be able to forgive myself if I didn't attend his funeral. I'd spend the rest of my life being guilty and remorseful. I had to come and see you for all the memories you've blessed me with. 

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