Jaehyun - Love Can Be A Blessing Or Curse

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Title - Love can be a blessing or curse.

Male lead - Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun)

Story description - Love alone is a powerful emotion whatever would happen if it is teamed up with regret and pain?

Genre - Winter themed

Category - angst⚡

Element - Ancient Korea au

Classification - One-shot



Others thought it was beautiful and maybe it was, but for someone like her, the snow would always be a constant reminder of the night she lost something dear.

She took a glimpse of the delicate snowflakes dancing in the air, floating around resting on trees, resting on the grass, creating a fuffy white coat against the streetlight lanterns.

With her hand quenching tight on her robe that rested on her chest. She squeezed her fist until her knuckles went white but the pain would still not go away.

With a heavy heart, she turned her back against the window looking at her five-year-old son who was ready for a good night's slumber.

She walked towards his mattress and bestowed a gentle kiss on his forehead before starting her story.

"Once there lived a young boy called Jaehyun who grew up in a noble family. He was loved by his parents and got everything his heart desired as long as he behaved. When he was ten, he did not know life as he knew it would come to an end on that faithful winter night." Spoke the young woman.

She gently trailed the tip of her fingers across her child's scalp playing with the soft bristles of his hair.

She sighed.

This tale was certainly not an easy story to tell because each piece of information was filled with a painful fragment of memory.

"His family was murdered by men hired by none other than the emperor."

Sensing his mother's difficulty to continue the boy asked, "Why mother?"

"It was a political conflict and the emperor wanted them rid of this world for his own benefit."

"So did the young boy managed to escape?" He wondered.

"Yes, he did." His mother mumbled dimming the small lamp beside her."Now let me tell the story, love. No interruptions, okay."

"Yes, mother." He said while hugging her slender figure.

"The young boy managed to escape with the help of his cousin who sacrificed her life so he could live. The young boy fleed from his family's estate and took shelter in a training camp. There he would learn the arts of fighting, combat training, and swordsmanship. Before he knew it, that scared young boy turned into to man. Not just any man, a great general in the emperor's army."

"He won wars upon wars under the emperor's name. The same monarch who slaughtered his family. The mighty warrior only had one thing in mind. Revenge."

"He had a plan that was completely foiled when he first laid eyes upon the emperor's beautiful daughter. He did not plan to fall in love with her it just happened but there was one thing he did plan. Killing her father. He used his relationship with the princess to get closer to the emperor."

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