My Mission

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What is my mission with this account?  Why am I going around asking questions?  

I want to ask the hard questions that our society shies away from.   Uncomfortable questions, hard questions, questions about life.  


To make people think long and hard on what's important. To point them in the right direction and shatter lies.  

I prefer to discuss things, not argue or debate them.  I want you to talk with me like you might talk to a dear friend about these things.  Because I am your friend.

This website / app is populated with writers.  I also am a writer.  One thing that us writers do a lot of is ask questions.  We ask 'what if' and 'what about this' and what if this happened?'.  

I want to make these writers and readers think about their own story.  I want them to ask questions about it and seek true answers.  Answers that I believe can only be found in Christ and His Gospel message.  

I know you might think it brazen that I believe all the answers lie in Christ.  Maybe you think that is arrogant.  But this is not my religion that I made up, so I don't get to make the rules for it.  I'm simply stating what I know to be true.  If I don't know the answer to something via my beliefs, it's probably because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean there isn't one.

I'm also here to help and encourage people.  I leave virtual gifts on peoples profiles.  I hope to spread some love throughout this dark world.  

(If you'd like me to leave a gift on someone's profile, PM me and I'll see what I can do.)  

I am NOT forcing my beliefs down your throat.  I'm not saying 'Believe this or else.'  How come you can tell me all you want to about your beliefs, and it's not 'cramming them down my throat' but when I try to do the same to you, it is?  All I ask is that you listen, truly listen, with an open mind.  

So there you have it.

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