Hero Agency

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Izuku's PoV

It was just after Christmas. Endeavor had just sent orders for me, Todoroki, and Kacchan to Boktor Island. It's been a couple of months entering Endeavors Hero Agency. Ever since the mission where I was wanted for 'murder', we haven't seen Endeavor very much. Since then, we have been taking hero exams before the break. It's been snowing all over in Japan, and something has come up. All of our classmates have been sent to their Agency's for their missions. Fatgum's Hero Agency has been shut down because he is in critical damage from the last mission he was in with Kirishima. So, Kirishima has no Agency, therefore he gets no participation grade, and will fail the class. Thankfully I had the idea to ask Endeavor if Kirishima could join our mission until Fatgum recovers from his last predicament. Endeavor had thought about it for some time, and then finally agreed. I'm surprised that they even had the choice to say no..but if they did, then the student would be in a bad place. It was only minutes before our plane was ready to take off. I sat by Todoroki, while Kacchan, and Kirishima sat next to each other across from us. I sat near the window, looking out at the view. It was quite precious seeing the ocean from a high angle. I could hear muffled shouting in the background with Kacchan yelling at Kirishima and Todoroki. It was very unpleasant to hear, but that's just Kacchan being Kacchan. Todoroki doesn't really care and is very calm about him yelling. Not much longer Todoroki fell asleep. I guess he doesn't mind the loud noise. Kirishima on the other hand, was trying to calm him down. Telling him it's not nice to yell at friends. "Tch. Whatever" I hear clearer, now that I'm paying attention. If you're wondering where Endeavor is, he did not join us for this mission because he says, 'There will be times when I won't be around to guide you.'. So, he won't be with us. "So, are you guys excited for our mission?" Kirishima said with confidence, and excitement lingering in his emotion. I leave him with a nod. "Hah, of course I am! I'm ready to beat those nasty villains!" Kacchan shouted with pride, and annoyance. "I'm glad your excited. You too Midoriya." Kirishima continued, smiling softly. I continued looking back out the window to see the beautiful bright blue ocean underneath me. I must have passed out after looking out the window, because I don't remember what happened after then.

Katsuki's PoV

My throat started to ache after yelling at Deku and the others so much. I started to remain quite while everyone started to fall asleep. After a while I started to feel my body shutting down, and then my eyes started to flutter shut. After moments of darkness, I feel movement and a slight tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slightly to see Icy-Hot, Deku, and Weird hair getting ready and taking their bags. "Hey! Wake up, we gotta get off" Weird hair says grabbing his backpack and wrapping it over is shoulder. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Whatever, Hair for brains." I mumble to myself grabbing my bag as well. I hear him fake cry beside me and then started to wipe his fake tears away. "My hair is not that different from yours!" He shouts feeling 'offended'. Icy-Hot got off first leading us to our hotel. He has a map with him, so apparently he knows where he's going. I shove my hands in my pockets and walk silently behind the three of them. I hear Deku talk about our mission and what he thinks we'll be doing. Hearing him talk is annoying me, so I interrupt their conversation. "Oi, Icy-Hot loser. When are we there?" I ask, trying to be mean as possible. But with stupid Hair for brains, I can't be mean like I want to, because he always stops me, saying 'That's not manly!'. "We're close." He answers back. After probably thirty minutes of walking, we made it to Ocean Hotel. It's a cute small blue hotel, that sat by the water of the island. We got our keys to our rooms, and walked to them. We were all next to each other. Icy-Hot's room was across from mine, and Deku's was down a couple rooms, and Weird hair's room was a couple rooms down as well. I unlocked my room door and shut it. I stretched my back, and my arms and jumped on the bed. There was a view of the ocean from my window, it was a big, wide window that was next to my bed. My bed has white covers, with a soft kind of fabric. It was a large king sized bed too, with fluffy pillows. I laid down on the bed, feeling myself sink in. A couple minutes later, I begin to close my eyes and fall asleep.

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