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Eijirou's PoV

We walked down the street in our hero suits, making our way to the small town that's a couple feet away from us. We pass some stores on the way there and see some fans from the sports festival. Mostly for Bakugo, since he won. He wasn't enjoying it though. Midoriya sure enjoys it though, he was crying the whole time and Todoroki just questioned him. I think Bakugo was questioning his existence. I threw my arm around his shoulders and grinned. "Don't be a downer man! Everyone loves you, you have fans that adore you!" I shouted, trying to cheer him up. He just rolled his eyes, pushing my arm away. I sighed and marched back over to Midoriya. "Hey! We should go to these stores around here! Maybe shop for stuff?" I said giving ideas. He started muttering and I scratched the back of my neck and laughed awkwardly. He snapped out of it and agreed with me. Todoroki chimed In with an agreement as well. I walked back, catching up with Bakugo. "Bakugo! You wanna go in some shops with us?" I elbowed his arm. He rolled his eyes looking away. "Do I even have a choice?" He mumbled. I grinned and grabbed his wrist dragging everyone to the shops. "Nope!" I shouted. The sun started to beam down on us hard. The sun was hot and everyone was sweating. I guess that's more luck for Bakugo since that's a way to help his quirk form larger explosions. But when I say we were sweating, we had water dripping down our chins and everything. We passed a small ice cream shop, and hopped threw. We ordered some ice cream while we were on patrol. I was walking backwards with Todoroki, and Midoriya behind me, leaving Bakugo beside me. We all had our ice cream and we were causally talking about our classmates. "Hey Midoriya! How are you and Ochako?" I asked relationship wise. Midoriya blushed extremely and looked like a tomato! Literally. "I d-don't understand what you mean..?" He stutters, still a tomato. "You obviously like pink cheeks." Bakugo commented. Midoriya had finished his ice cream and he covered his face with his hands to block his blush. "Your blushing!" I laughed. "N-No! It's really hot out here!" He said uncovering his face slowly. I rolled me eyes. "Sure." I said smirking. "Todoroki, Bakugo, do you guys have interests?" I asked interested since they are the most serious in the class. "Interests? Hm, I don't usually fit in time for relationships." Todoroki put in. I hummed and looked over to Bakugo and raised a brow. "Nah. I don't have time for relationships if I want to be number one." He replied straight on. I nodded. "Nice, nice. So I guess only Midoriya has a crush? Wow!" I grinned. Bakugo covered his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. He uncovered his eyes, "You smile all the time it's beginning to blind me." He scoffed shoving his hands back in his pockets. I grinned again on purpose and got in front of his face to force it directly at him. "Ah." He pushed me away. I laughed and looked back at the two behind. "What store next?"

It was 8:36 at night and we just got back home from patrolling. Bakugo wanted to go to bed and he was getting in a bad mood, so we headed back. He stomped on the elevator with us and pressed the fourth floor. He dragged his own body to his room that was a few doors down from mine. "Night Bakubro!" I shouted across the hall leaving an eco. He whooshed his hand around giving me the sign to 'Shut up'. I rolled my eyes and smiled leaving with the other two. We all went our separate routes to our rooms. I stayed up until twelve am watching YouTube on my phone. Then I fell asleep after some time. I heard a loud thud, and some bangs a couple doors down. Who is up this early? I look over at my clock and see it's only two am! I have some shark slippers that I place under the bed, and I grab it and slip them on. They make a squeak sound every time I walk though. I pause for a moment while stepping in the hallway, so I can possibly hear the bang again and know where it's coming from. I rub one of my eyes and then right after I hear another bang. Bakugo? They sound like explosions now. I run to his room and the bangs get louder and louder every step I take to get closer. I pound on his door when I arrive. And the banging stops. I hear fast footsteps approach the door and then a slam. The door never opened. "Bakugo! Open the door!" I shout from the outside. No answer. I start pounding on the door loud. "Bakugo! Please, or I'll break it down!" I shouted louder. Nothing. I step back a big, activating my quirk with my arms. And bam. The door shot down on the floor and all I see a an ash blond boy on the floor looking half dead. I run up to the blond lifting his head with my hand. "B-Bakugo!" I stutter shedding a couple of tears down my cheek. I quickly check his pulse. It's barely even there! I quickly pick him up bridal style, and rush out in the hall and run to Midoriya's room. Maybe he'll know what to do. I start banging the loudest I can. And hear a faint 'ugh' and footsteps slowly approaching the door. "Midoriya please hurry!" I shout with a cracked voice, still holding a bloody Bakugo in my arms. He opened the door quickly and his eyes widened immediately when seeing Bakugo. "Kacchan?!" I shouted confused. I started to drop Bakugo a little so I carried him like you could carry a little kid. "We need a hospital, get Todoroki!" I spat. He nodded quickly and ran with his quirk activated and went straight down the hall to Todoroki. I sat with Bakugo on the floor still by the door. I lean my back on the frame of the door, and hear a quiet voice. "Kirishima..?" It sounded desperate, and terrified. Bakugo's voice. He sounded sick. Ill. And worse; half dead. I held his head with my hand lightly. "It's okay, we're getting an ambulance. Stay with me, okay? Can you do that for me?" I said softly, and calm. He nods slowly, and very gently. "How did this happen?" I asked quietly, still holding his head. "I..." he paused for a moment. "I have no idea." I mumbled confused. "I heard something, and I woke up....and..I don't know what but..I started to explode things?..but..I felt like I was aiming for somebody when they weren't there.." I continued. I hummed and nodded hugging him tight. "Well we can save this information for the doctors and police, okay?" I said trying to get him to talk so he doesn't pass out. It felt like he gave out or something because I don't feel his stiff body. His arm was wrapped around my neck, and it fell down to my chest suddenly. I lifted his head to make him look at me and his eyes were completely shut closed. I slapped his cheek gently to wake him up. Nothing. "Bakugo, stay with me please." I said a little louder than my last words. He's bleeding. I can't tell from where though. Blood. All I see his blood. Dark, red, black blood. Covering the ash blond boy that's in my grasp. I hear muffled footsteps that sound fast, and loud every move. I zone out. My best friend is hurt. I feel light now. The ash blinds body left mine. I feel a hand in my own as I come back into reality being lifted up. "Todoroki?" I say confused. He nods and I see Bakugo in Midoriya's arms. I feel bad, I couldn't do much to help. Next thing I know, we're in a hospital. Surrounded by doctors, nurses and surgeons getting ready to preform surgery. We sit in the waiting room. For hours. Many, many hours. Blood. That's all I could think of. How much did he lose? Is he okay? I was of course worried for him, he's my best friend. I felt like sitting there is something I couldn't do. I stood up and starting pacing around the waiting room until I hear a door open slowly. A small short girl comes walking through, with a soft voice. "Katsuki Bakugo?"

Words: 1454

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