last chapter

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No matter how many times Rachel screamed he didn't stop, she didn't want this, so what if they have done it before, no means no and Luke for some reason didn't understand that night.

Luke dropped her off after what happened, she felt sick, dirty, gross. She decided to take a shower, as she walked into her apartment she saw the wine stain on the floor, looking so red that it seemed black, she sped walked into the bathroom and started the shower, scolding hot, just what she needed.

As she got in the shower she began to scrub, and scrub, she felt like the stain, trying to scrub herself out of existence, she kept scrubbing till she was red, like the stain on the carpet, just a regular wine stain, that won't go away, no matter how hard you scrub, the stain will never go away.

Just like wine, everything stains, and it will never go away

The end༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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