Chapter 1

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¤Katakuri is 10 years older than (Y/N)


At the age of 35, (Y/N) fled from her home island with her father and the few survivors of her race to the territory of Big Mom, Big Mom had offered them refuge so that they could preserve their race and at the same time increasing the variety of races in Big Mom's territory, it was a win and win for both of them.

The people were friendly, although there were some who did not approach the red wings because of their unusual appearance, but they being used to being looked at or chased because of how different they were, it was not very difficult for them to adapt to their new home even though it was a little lonely.

Two years passed and (Y/N) noticed that sometimes the figure of someone could be seen in one of the large mirrors of her room, as if there were someone observing her from the mirror. One day (Y/N) came face to face with the person who seemed to "live" inside the mirror, showing a woman of (Y/N) height, with a big nose and a scar on her face and when she was discovered she planned to withdraw without more but (Y/N) tries to stop her -Hey wait!, don't go...- (Y/N) says  noticing that all the woman movements stopped -I am (Y/N) of the red wings, who are you?- you ask looking at her with curiosity

-My name is Charlotte Brulee...- said the woman in the mirror ready to leave

-Nice to meet you Brulee, I hope we can get along- (Y/N) says smiling as she sees Brulee surprised face before disappearing from the mirror -I hope we can be friends...-

The occasions in which (Y/N) met Brulee were increasing and chatting with her, they became great friends to the point where Brulee invites her to have tea in the world of mirrors where she gets to know Brulee's house

-Then the man took me by the wings and looking me in the face he said that he would cook me just to know if I would taste like chicken- (Y/N) says taking a sip of her tea calmly remembering her childhood -but then my father appeared and knocked him out...I was just 9 years old and didn't understand why that man wanted to cook me, later on I found out that this man was hanged for daring to touch one of the royalty of the red wings, I was glad to know that this man would not do more harm to any other red wings-

-I would have liked to seek revenge for myself, although I cannot complain...when I was little, this scar on my face was caused by some children who wanted to annoy my big brother and really managed to make him enraged, he healed my wound and took revenge, since then there is no one who can beat him- said Brulee smiling at the memory of her big brother

-Sounds like a great person, what is his name?- (Y/N) asks curious

-Katakuri...Charlotte Katakuri- says Brulee proud of her big brother

-Well I'm looking forward to meet Katakuri one day- (Y/N) says making Brulee smile while taking one last sip of her tea -I've had fun talking to you Brulee, let's do it again another day I love your tea parties-

-I also enjoy your company (Y/N), it's a shame you have to go- says Brulee picking up the cups

-Yes, but you know how my father would get if I disappear for more than a couple of hours, after all I'm the only thing he has left- (Y/N) says getting her things ready to leave the house

After leaving Brulee's house and walking with her to find the mirror that overlooks (Y/N)'s room, they kept talking and laughing together.

-No, I'm serious this place is amazing, I mean you have a lot of space here besides it's your own one can bother you here it's just great- (Y/N) says while she observes the whole place going around demonstrating the spaciousness of the place -It seems like the perfect place to practice fighting skills-

-I doubt it since that could break the mirrors- says Brulee smiling at (Y/N) ideas

-You are right, a broken mirror here means one broken in the real world, that would destroy one of so many connections- (Y/N) says while she touches one of the many mirrors.

Once both of them are in front of the mirror that connects with (Y/N)'s room, Brulee stops her, making her look at Brulee with curiosity.

-(Y/N), would you mind if I invited my big brother Katakuri to the next tea party?- asks Brulee

-Of course not, go ahead, the more the merrier!- (Y/N) says smiling brightly before going through the mirror -see you around Brulee!-

Later on with Big Mom

-So tell me, Brulee, how's the information you're getting from the red wings? are you already her friend?- says Big Mom looking at her daughter

-Yes mama, she is very talkative and seems to have no problem with revealing secrets or talking about her past- says Brulee a little uncomfortable

As soon as the red wings arrived in Big Mom's territory, Brulee was commissioned to spy on them to discover if they had any secrets or peculiarities beyond their red wings. But with the passing of time plus the fact that Brulee was discovered by (Y/N), plans changed to her only getting information from (Y/N) and her father for being royalty. As time passed, Brulee grew fond of (Y/N) for what she considers a friend and the mission of getting information from her is overwhelming.

-Well, let me know when you discover something important about their race, it would be beneficial to us- says Big Mom while eating some cakes.

-Yes mama- says Brulee retreating the place

Brulee walked through the corridors of the tower without realizing that someone was watching her.

-Brulee!- Katakuri said, calling her sister's attention.

-Katakuri big bro, how good that I found you, I will have a tea party in a few days and I will invite the red-winged princess, I wanted to introduce her to you since she has become my friend- says Brulee smiling

-The red wings...didn't mama told you to look for information about them?- says Katakuri looking at his sister

-Uh!...yes! She did and I'm doing my job just fine...- says Brulee nervous

-You said the red-winged princess is your friend, Is that a strategy or have you really become attached to her?- says Katakuri analyzing her sister's reactions

-Once I get the information that mama wants, this friendship game will end...- says Brulee, pretending to be confident in her words

-Alright...- says Katakuri not very convinced by his sister's words -tell me more about that tea party, will there be doughnuts?-

-Yes! I will have your favorite doughnuts prepared for that day, she also loves doughnuts, I think you two will get along well- says Brulee smiling as she continued talking and walking with her brother.

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