Chapter 5

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At the end of dinner, in her room (Y/N) found Brulee waiting for her inside the mirror

-(Y/N), I came to see if you were okay...and also to know if you were already aware of the news- says Brulee looking at her friend

-Yes I'm aware, my father told me at dinner- (Y/N) says calmly

-How do you feel about this?- asked Brulee

-Well, it feels a bit disappointing, after all I trained for years and hoped I could protect my people by fighting but it turns out that I will protect what is left of my people by getting married, it's not what I expected but at least I will be helping- says (Y/N) looking at Brulee -seems like I'll have to marry one of your you know which one?- (Y/N) asked hopefully

-You will be the wife of Oven big bro...-says Brulee looking at her friend's disappointed face -I'm really sorry...if I shouldn't-...- says Brulee

-It's alright, I don't regret given you the  information, what I do regret is not having the courage to be able to confess my feelings to the person I fell in love with before this all happened...- (Y/N) says looking at the window in her room

-Why haven't you told that person how you feel?- Brulee asked looking at her friend

-I don't want him to get away from me if I confess how I feel...even if it's as a friend, I want to stay by his side- says (Y/N) smiling

Brulee smiled at that, since almost everyone who saw (Y/N) and Katakuri interacting with each other could see how much they were a great match, everyone could see it except the couple apparently.

-I'm sure Katakuri big bro it's not the type of person who would walk away from you for something like that- says Brulee, making her friend look at her in surprise

-How did you know it was Katakuri? - says (Y/N) feeling nervous

-I have eyes dear, and the love and happiness you give off when you are with him is very visible- says Brulee smiling warmly at her friend

-am I that obvious?!- asked (Y/N) worried feeling her face burning with embarrassment - Oh no, does that means that he also noticed it?!-

-Nah, he is as naive in those matters as you are- said Brulee to calming (Y/N) -He will need to hear it from you to believe it-

-I see...but there's no chance now that I'm getting married to another person soon...all this makes me tired, thanks for coming Brulee I feel better after talking with you, I think I can sleep now- says (Y/N) smiling at her friend

- Don't worry, I'll be there if you need me...goodnight (Y/N)- said Brulee disappearing from the mirror

-I hope tomorrow can be a good day- (Y/N) says lying on her bed


The next day in the early morning, the king of the red wings received a letter from Big Mom informing him that the son chosen for the wedding was Charlotte Katakuri and somehow the king felt some relief since his daughter seemed to already have a friendly relationship with Big Mom's second son. The king did not have time to break the news to his daughter when  someone knocked at his house door and when he open it, he found a tall and muscular man wearing black leather clothes, with crimson hair and eyes using a scarf that reached his shoulders and covered his mouth.

-Oh you must be Katakuri- said the king of the red wings looking at the second son of Big Mom from head to toe -you look just like how (Y/N) described you-

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