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I was born on a small village at the edge of a ginormous forest. The village was know for a family that lived right at the end of the road. The house, their Casita, was massive for only 4 people. The mother, and her triplets. They were my friends. 

Everyday after desayuno and arabica, I'd go outside and play with them.

Pepa was my best friend, but I'd make sure to include Julieta and Bruno with me when we'd play. 

Pepa was very opinionated with frequent mood swings, while Julieta was quiet and caring; often baking and cooking. Bruno was also quiet, although he was a lot more awkward and struggled to carry conversation, but I'd help. He was also very superstitious, carrying salt with him and throwing it over his shoulder whenever he saw fit. He was so sweet.

Most of the time, Bruno would be the villain of our stories, even though he'd actually make most of them, we'd force him his role. Eventually, we'd let him be the hero and I'd be the villain or monster. It was very fun.

The day they got their gifts was incredibly astonishing, for both the triplets and me. I was so excited and proud for all of them. As I recall, I was there much early to help with the decorating- as was my father. He'd help with the heavier things while I helped arrange decorations with the siblings. 

Once the sun set, it was time. I stood anxiously, waiting for Pepa to come out from the hallway. Once she did, we made eye contact and I gave her a big encouraging smile with two thumbs up. This made her weary smile fade somewhat as she began walking, her Mama walking along with her halfway once she reached the stairs. 

After touching the candle, then the door knob, the wall slowly transformed into a beautiful glowing picture of her older self with a cloud above her head and sunlight appearing above it. 

Astonished, a big rainbow shot from above her head and the rest of the crowd cheered. I clapped and jumped, my father grabbing my shoulder and motioning me to the end of the hallway again. Julieta slowly walked to the edge of the corridor, her eyes like saucers as she stared at everyone. Her eyes darted at mine, but quickly at another person. I couldn't encourage her to open the door. She slowly backed up until Bruno went into the limelight as well, holding onto her hands and smiling nervously.  After a few silent words together, she nodded. They stood still for a second, so Bruno could throw a handful of salt over his shoulder, and they began to walk up the steps together.

Once they reached the top, Julieta grabbed a hold of the candle, touched the doorknob and the wall transformed into a magical, glowing image of her older self with a pestle on one hand, the other a handful of herbs. She grinned, almost immediately understanding it meant healing with food and Bruno smiled for her. 

His Mama then motioned him to the empty yellow wall with a doorknob attached, he grinned and looked across at his sisters, then to the door. He touched the candle then to the doorknob, watching as the magic slowly transformed the wall to a door, adorned with a picture of his older self holding out his hands and a giant hourglass in this middle. His pupils turned bright green for a split second, and he smiled big. The crowd lost their minds as their Mama smiled a humongous grin. 

Afterward, people began playing music and drinking while I played with the rest of them, studying their gift. 

"Okay! Think of something that would make you angry!" I said to Pepa. 

She stood for a moment, "I can't think of anything.." 

"Um... A rainy day!" Julieta exclaimed. 

"No.." She mumbled.

"Tripping over your foot!" I said.


"Me taking your left over empanadas!" 

BRINK OF DAYLIGHT - b.madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now