Chapter Two

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Reimei Drops

"Rin-rin, thanks again for coming all this way!"

"Don't mention it, Reiji. As the one who composed your song, it's my duty to come to your recording as well," smiled Catarina.

"Aww, Rin-rin!" Reiji exclaimed, warmed at her words.

"Still," Ai chimed in, "it has been pouring hard outside. So, you have our gratitude."

"But kid, you shouldn't push yourself too hard. You look like you've got things in your mind," the silver headed rocker pointed out. 

"Ran-Ran is right! You're not too stressed with work, are you?" Ai nodded, agreeing to Reiji's words.

"I'm not pushing myself." The blonde female's lips turned into a pout, hand on her hip. "Mou, why do you all sound like three versions of troubled Camus-nii?"

"Excuse me?" came from the said count. A look of disapproval for the comparison was evident in his face. "Cease your absurd comparison, Catarina."

The one to quickly join Camus in his sentiments was none other than Ranmaru. "Yeah, as if I'd ever give you this guy's impression."

When the former felt the latter's finger pointing at him, he scoffed. "The same words back to you, dandelion head."

"You wanna pick a fight, damn aristocrat?"

"Okay, that's enough." The sound of Catarina's hands coming together loudly echoed in the room. See? Why don't you two agree that you're the ones who are the most similar? Before things could escalate into their typical bickering, the woman present changed the topic.

"The point was, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how to make HEAVENS' latest album the best album. So yeah, don't worry. I won't faint from overworking like before, if that's what you're worried about."

After saying all that in a single breath, "Anyways, I'll be taking my leave. See you guys later." Waving her hand, she got up to leave before getting interrupted.

"Wait, I'll drop you off," cut off her brother.

"You will?" Ecstatic to be able to spend more time with her sibling, she beamed. "Thanks!"

And so, the siblings from Permafrost headed to Raging Entertainment while Camus drove.

"You shouldn't ponder too much, Catarina. You're my sister. There is no way that you cannot achieve your goal," admonished Camus. That's your way of showing concern and giving strength, isn't it? The corners of her lips tugged upwards.

"I'm happy that you think so, Camus-nii."

Silence followed. It was then when the car paused at the traffic signal that the male opened his mouth, the subtle hint of his hidden earnestness behind his icy blue eyes, "....A smile suits you best indeed."

Looking back, those two had come a long way from their lonely past, hadn't they?

.  . .  . . .  .

It was only Catarina who was awake at the time of daybreak.... was what she thought.

"Shion?" She called the albino boy when she saw him coming down the stairs. It had been a few days since Eiichi and her had moved back into HEAVENS' penthouse temporarily.

"Rin," Shion acknowledged her presence, "good morning."

"Good morning." She decided to voice out her query. "It's not everyday that you're up at this time, Shion. Is there something wrong?"

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