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The inside of the building was very dark and there was only light at the entrance.
From the location the car stopped at inside the building, they could make out two words on the wall in the centre of the lobby with some difficulty: Runjin Building. On the left was the layout of the building engraved onto a metal panel. They could roughly guess that this was a building for both commercial and residential use.
The smooth marble floor in the lobby was stained with blood and there were some bloody handprints on the walls. The glass from the glass doors broken through by the car and rubbish were scattered across the floor. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

"How is everyone?" Song Qinglan asked inside the car, "Anyone hurt?"

The front of the car was severely damaged making it even more difficult to move in the already crowded back seats.
Song Qinglan's voice was very close and it sounded right next to Ji Yushi's ear, much like the first time he heard it on the public channel.

"I'm fine." Ji Yushi answered.

Except for Ji Yushi, no one knew what happened before and no one seemed to have memories of their last death.
Just now with the spacecar suddenly appearing and death almost seizing him once again, his adrenaline rose to an all-time high and his heart sped up. Even when the car braked and his head hit the back of the driver's seat, he didn't feel it.

"I'm also okay."
"I'm fine."


Duan Wen's voice from the passenger seat was painful, " leg seems to be stuck."
Li Chun let out a curse, "Hurry and help! Brother Wen is stuck!"

A faint sound travelled over.
The building was deserted and the dark corridors stretched endlessly. It made it hard to tell which direction that sound came from, but it definitely wasn't far from them.

The car crashed into the building just now and the commotion was too loud so it must have alerted the nearby zombies. This building may appear deserted but there are many zombies hidden within.

Duan Wen's left leg was firmly trapped. When his teammates tried to move the part trapping his leg, the pain was unbearable.

"You guys go first. Don't worry about me!"
The zombie's sounds were getting closer. Duan Wen panted heavily, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat, "Go!"

"How could we leave you!?"
"Hang in there, Brother Wen!"

Song Qinglan inserted Shen Mian into the gap and motioned for Li Chun to protect Duan Wen's knee.
Even in a situation like this, he remained calm and decisive. He only said quickly, "Less nonsense. Hang in there. Even if your leg is broken, we're leaving together!"

The absolute trust developed after going through many missions together made Duan Wen willingly accept his captain's order. Hearing his words, he gritted his teeth and nodded, "......Okay."

"Hurry!" Zhou Mingxuan urged as he looked around vigilantly with his gun raised.

The footsteps in the corridor grew louder and louder and more and more hasty. There were even growls sounding very close at hand.

"Bang, bang, bang!"
Someone opened fire and several zombies fell as blood splattered around them.
But this corridor seemed like it led to hell. Very soon, more growls and footsteps could be heard and the number of zombies that appeared were several times more than it was earlier!

"Hurry up!!" Li Chun was so anxious, his eyes were red. He shouted, "Cap Song!"

The pitch black Shen Mian was used as a lever.
Because of the force he was exerting, blue veins appeared on Song Qinglan's forehead and the muscles on his arm became more defined. The car slowly began to let out a low groan.
Along with an uncontrollable cry of agony, Duan Wen's leg was finally freed. It was completely bloody and the wound was so deep, the bone underneath was visible.
Li Chun's hand trembled, "Brother Wen!"

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