𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 , stalker, stalker!

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! tw : child abuse, feel free to skip over. there will be a notice when the scene is over !

"YOU UNGRATEFUL piece of shit! I do so much for you and your sisters and you don't even thank me, goddammit!" Clay's father reprimanded her, slamming his fist on the counter, his other holding a bottle of whiskey,

Clay kept her head down, "Yes, dad."

He chuckled, his eyes darkening, settling on a glare that Clay grew to be terrified of. "You promised me you would get the money but there's no goddamn money! So where the hell is it, Clay?"

"Just give me a day. And--" She wasn't able to finish her sentence, she got cut off by her father's fist being connected with her face. She clenched her jaw, being the only thing keeping her from cursing her father out. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head again, grabbing a fist full of her hair, he pulled her head back and whispered to her, "You better have my money when I ask you next time."

He released her hair, only after pushing her head into the counter. She heard a crack at the same time as a pain shot up her head, starting with her nose. She grabbed her nose with her hands, holding it up--keeping it elevated as she titled her head back. "Fucking bitch," She muttered to herself.

"The fuck did you just say?" He turned back around, his eyes were wide and bloodshot, his eyebrows were raised and his jaw was clenched.

Clay wasn't afraid of anything. Except her dad.

"Nothing, dad." She tried to avoid eye contact, she tried to hide the fear in her voice.

"I'll show you what's nothing." He took a cigarette from the pack in his pocket as well as his lighter, he lit the tip of the cigarette. He had a devilish smirk on his lips, and Clay wanted to crumble right then and there--she wanted to disappear--to be anywhere but here.

He brought the end of the cigarette to the skin on her shoulder, she let out a low gasp of agony before containing from a bigger to escape her lips by biting down on her bottom lip.

"Is this fucking nothing?" He asked, his voice loud and hoarse as he pressed the cigarette further into her skin. "Do you fucking like this?"

Clay closed her eyes to try and prevent the tears from flowing down her cheeks, to try and somehow speed up this entire process that felt like it was going on for forever.

She heard as he undid his belt, he slid it off within seconds, he gripped onto it with a drunken hand, and soon enough, Clay felt as the leather hit against her back. She bit down onto her teeth further, biting her lip harder--it could have drawn blood.

Clay stood there, the palms of her hands rested on the table beneath her, being the only thing keeping her stable and standing as her father hit her with his belt.


and over

and over


! all good to read again for those of you that skipped !

CLAY WALKED INTO the familiar building in which she worked at, sighing to herself as she hoped that in some miracle, Matt wouldn't be there.

But, knowing her luck as well as knowing how much Matt seemed to enjoy evading her privacy—he would most likely be somewhere in the building, ready to annoy her.

She thought to herself what she would say to him today as she walked up the steps.

She had at least ten insults she was ready to use but when she made it to the top step, he was nowhere to be found.

She smiled to herself lightly as she held her head with pride as she walked to her door, she turned the corner and a flood of different things hit her.

She felt some type of hot liquid seep through her clothes and onto her skin, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she felt a cane hitting her foot. Matt.

Clay looked down at her—now ruined—white blazer. She looked up at Matt who seemed unfazed. "What the fuck?"

She glanced down at the coffee on her stomach.

"What? I'm blind!" He had a grin on his face now.

"You and I both know—" she got cut off by his hand covering her mouth.

"Ah, sorry—wrong spot." He said, dragging his hand out from Clay's lips down to her chin and down to her neck and then to her shoulder, leaving it there.

"Now you're just making excuses to touch me." She spat, grabbing his hands and removing them from her shoulders, taking a step back.

"Well it's not like you stopped me."

"What would Katie say to that?"

They each heard someone clearing their throat from behind them—they turned around to see Karen leaning on the wall.

"Uh, Matt, Foggy was wondering where you were. You've been gone for about," she glanced down at her watch, "twenty minutes."

Clay turned back to Matt and smirked, "You were waiting for me?"

He looked past her and to Karen, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Thank you, Karen."

Karen nodded, "It was nice to see you again, Clay."

Clay rolled her eyes, "Always a pleasure, Katie."

"Her name is Karen, you know."

"Sure it is, stalker."

"I'm not a stalker!" He scoffed, leaning his head against the wall.

"You were waiting for me...outside of my office. Sounds like a stalker." She pursed her lips.

"Your office is right across from mine."

"Matt!" Karen called out causing Clay to roll her eyes again.

"Your girlfriends calling you."

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