Chapter 11

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Double Update!

Gah if I keep double-updating I'm gonna be done with this story in like a week.


Well I like cake

I'm done



Okay Now I'm done


~*~ Louis POV ~*~

"Wait... that's Tiffany?" I asked pointing to the girl on Manda's friend, Bryce's side. I wanted to go all sass master on both of them, Tiffany for hurting the future mother of my children, and Bryce for dating the foul beast that did that, but I kept my sass on the inside, but I was still upset on the outside.

"B-Bryce?" Manda stuttered,

"Amanda, can I talk to you alone?" Bryce asked. Amanda looked at me then nodded. They went around the corner, and I sneakily followed to listen to their conversation.

"Bryce what the hell!" I heard her say.

"Amanda, please let me explain!"

"What? Explain how you are dating the girl that wanted me to take me own life? And that called me fat and ugly everyday?" she cried.

"Okay yes, but after you left, we talked and she said she was sorry and she didn't know why she was mean. But she also said she liked me, so I asked her out and brought her here so you could get along."

For some reason, there was only one word that came to my mind as he said that.


"Okay I will try to be friends with her, or at least to the point where I don't hate her anymore. If you really like her, then I will too."

"Good! I'm so glad to heat that. Let's get back to everyone else," Bryce said.

I hurried back to the group before they could notice that I was eavesdropping on them, and I greeted myself to Manda's mom. "Hello, I'm Louis," I greeting in a total casual tone, but polite enough so when the time comes she will think I am the best match to marry her daughter...

Wait what?

Anyway, back to the story.

"Hi, Ms. Blane, but you can call me Angie."

Just then Bryce and Amanda came back, and I could tell Amanda's eyes were slightly puffy from crying a little.

"Amanda! It's so nice to see you again! Oh my gosh I am so sorry for all that I did to you! I don't know what got over me! But you didn't deserve that and I hope we can be the best of friends now!"

"What happened between them?" Harry whispered in my ear. Oh yeah, he didn't know the story of Manda and and the beast-I mean Tiffany.

"I'll tell you when we get home," I told him. I don't know if Manda wants to tell him but I feel he should know because I don't trust anything about that girl, Tiffany.


When we got home, Harry and I went upstairs to talk. "Okay so what went on between them?"

I sighed before I started. "Well when Manda was younger, Tiffany bullied her a lot. And when she got older, it got worse. There was a point in her life  where Tiffany told her to go die, and Manda attempted. Everyday since then she's been called fat, ugly, and told to go and kill herself, and Tiffany was the worst of them all."

Harry seemed a little sad and furious. "Why am I just now hearing this?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just found out yesterday, and that was only because I saw.. cuts on her arms. I don't know why she didn't tell you, and I would've waited for her to tell you, but I don't trust Tiffany. I mean, she bullied Manda all of her life, and now she's suddenly beiung nice? It doesn't add up."

Harry nodded his head. "I agree. I'm going to keep a close eye out because I don't want to see her get hurt."

I was about to agree, when I heard a loud shreik downstairs. I looked at Harry with a puzzled look and then we both rushed downstairs. I saw Manda crying while handing the phone to her mom, and she read something, but then started to cry.

"What's going on?" I asked panicking.

Manda handed me the phone, and I saw a text that read this:

You thought you'd never see me again. You were wrong. I told you I would find you and I was serious. I'm going to make you and your family suffer just like you made me suffer. It's never over until I win. You should know this by now.





I love you all

Kisses to you all


(Mah kiss)


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Stay Sexy


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