Chapter 14

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~*~ Amanda's POV ~*~

"Honey I'm home!" I heard Louis shout as five boys were trampling through the front door.

"Harry! Louis!" I shouted, running towards them. I gave them both hugs and I faced the other three guys. "Hi, I'm Amanda, Harry's twin," I put my hand out to shake each of theirs, waiting for them to introduce themselves.

The first one to speak was the shortest one with blonde hair and amazing eyes. "Hi, I'm Niall," he said. I could tell by his accent that he wasn't British, but it sounded Irish.

The next was one of the taller ones with long, straight, brown hair. "I'm Liam." he said with a smile.

I looked over to see the last one in the group, and he had tan skin, with black hair. "I'm Zayn." He sounded a little shy.

"Well it's great to meet all of you. I promise I'm not too weird," I joked, and Louis laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." Louis said.

"Let me show you guys your rooms. Two of you will be in by room, and the other can be in Louis."

"I pick Amanda to be in my room!" Louis said, and Harry gave him a stare like Louis just killed a puppy. "What Haz! I'm only kidding." Louis laughed, and Harry just rolled his eyes.

The boys went upstairs and I stayed down for awhile, when I heard my phone go off, another text from Steve. Yay. (Note the sarcasm)

The text read:

I see you have some visitors at your house. It would be a shame if anything happened to them.


I screamed and ran to my mothers guest room to show her the text. She looked at it wide-eyed until the five boys came in.

"What happened I heard screaming," Harry said. I showed him the text as well and he looked like he was going to punch a wall. "This is getting way too out of hand!"

"Wait what's going on?" Liam asked in confusion.

I was going to say something, but Harry beat me to it. "It's my moms ex-boyfriend, Steve, before she came here. He was abusive and they left him so now he's back. But we haven't seen him, we've just seen the texts."

I tried to talk but I couldn't find any words, so I nodded. I felt five big bodies wrap around me and give me a hug. "Guys... Can't... Breathe...."

They all got off but still surrounded me. "I'm so sorry, Amanda." They all said at once.

"Thank you guys so much."

~*~ Zayn's POV ~*~

I felt really bad for Amanda. To have an abusive person like that must really be hard.

I was walking back to Harry's room when I heard the girl staying over, Tiffany I think her name was, on the phone. I listened to a bit of the conversation, not because I'm and eavesdropper, but because I was curious.

"Yeah, she totally fell for it! It was so funny when she received the first text. It was hilarious! She was crying and everything! I can't wait until you come here! That will totally freak her out! ... Okay, bye Uncle Steve!"




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