the juicy beginning

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  Max's POV.

I was walking home from the skate park, I didn't meet any new people like I was hoping I would "oh well" i sighed to myself. I've had a crush on eleven for a while but I dont know if she likes me back or not but just incase she did I told Lucas we where on a break he was being annoying  anyways. However I'm beginning to loose hope. I mean I'd been giving off all the subtle sighns that I like el for weeks now but idk what to do. Oh well I should just forget about it she probably isnt into me anyways. I started pushing off the ground on my skateboard. "Aaghhh" I hit a big rock on my skateboard "shit I'm bleeding eh I'll be fine" I'll just walk but then i realised my skateboard rolled down the street. "Oh for fuck sakes" I started chasing my skateboard but then it came to a stop in front of a pair shoes, I looked up and it was el she handed me my skateboard

El's pov.

I had just gotten off the phone with mike I was so angry and confused. "I think I'm gonna go get max" I put on my shoes and stepped out the door all I could think about was getting to see max although I was also scared cause I've had a crush on her since I first saw her but I new I couldnt like her, the bad men always told me that kissing a girl was wrong. However I started fantasizing about us kissing and whenever I kissed mike I imagined mike as max even though I new it was wrong. Hod what am I I thinking I was almost at her house when I saw her chasing after her skateboard and it came to a stop in front of me so I picked it up and looked at max in the eyes as I slowly started handing her the skateboard

Narrator pov.

"Hi" el said as she handed max the skateboard slowly "umm hi?" Max said looking kind of confused "um can we talk"

Back at el's house

"And then he said he missed me?" El said while pacing as max sat on the bed "he's a lieing piece of shit, he is obviously lieing to you el" max exclaimed "but friends dont lie" el said in a scared tone. "yeah but boyfriends lie.. ALL THE TIME  I say we confront him and if he lies more.. then you DUMP HIS ASS" max said excitedly.

(So I'm lazy so uh fast forwarding after the mall)

"THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN DID YOU MIKE'S FACE" "ikr" said el. El turned on mysic and they started reading books when all of the sudden hopper slammed the door open "HEY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE DOOR-  uhh" hopper screamed "do u know how to knock jeeeeez" max said "yeah jeeeeeeeeeeezzeeee" el add "i- i- uh- I'm going to the beer store and run a couple erens so uh dont leave the house and no boys" hopper said as he left closing the door still pondering about what he said "hehe" max giggled to herself. "What's so funny" el asked smiling "oh just hopper" max replied. " hey el?" Max asked " yes" el replied "have you ever kissed a girl" max asked "no, people always told me it was wrong or that it wasnt ok" el said in a sort of sad tone " well why dont you practice by kissing me?" Max asked almost instantly regretting what she said she didnt mean to say it but at the same time she did "wait really but.. what about mike and lucas" el said "well you dumped mike and Lucas and I are on break" max said instantly while smirking. Max leaned in and so did el. Thier lips locked as max made the kiss deeper but then el felt somthing inside her mouth it was max's tongue they then began passionately making out as thier tongues where in a battle for dominice obviously max won or she thought she did as the kiss started getting deeper el ended up winning.thier lips unlocked for a second as max then began to kiss el's neck and left a trail all the way down to her collar bone and then she went back up and began kissing her again.

elmax (smut)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu