Tommy (fluff)

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This chapter was requested to me by SHlNGEE 

July, 1979

You park your car and take a minute to look at yourself in the rear view mirror. You wanna make sure you look good before you see your boyfriend, Tommy, who invited you over to the house he shares with his band, Switch. This is the first time you guys have had the time to hang out together in awhile, since he was so busy recording music with the band for their newly released album, "Switch II."

You fluff your hair and reapply lipgloss before you get out of your car. You lock it and cross the street over to the band's house.

You knock on the front door, and wait for a minute before you're welcomed and greeted by one of the band members, Eddie.

"Hey y/n, you look good as always!" Eddie says as he leans in for a friendly hug.

"Thank you, Eddie," you smile and respond as you return the hug.

After a few minutes of talking, you walk into the house and see Tommy sitting on the living room's couch, playing something on his bass guitar.

You quietly stand in the corridor and watch him play his tune with such concentration, not wanting to interrupt. After a short while, his playing comes to an end.

"Hey, Tommy! That was good!" you excitedly say as you walk over to where he's sitting.

Tommy looks up and smiles at you, putting his bass aside to greet you with a hug and kiss.

"Hey y/n, I didn't hear you come in. How have you been?" he asks, sitting back down on the couch.

"I've been pretty good, but I missed you," you reply as you sit on a chair across from him.

"So what do you wanna do, you want me to take you anywhere?" Tommy asks after a bit of catching up.

"Hmm..." you say as you look around the room and think of ideas of how to spend the day together. Your eyes land on his bass guitar, in it's case.

"I want you to teach me how to play bass," you say as you flash a big smile, hoping that'll work in your favor.

"Are you sure?" Tommy laughs. "It's kinda complicated."

"Yes, I'm sure. Please?" you respond.

"Okay, fine. Anything to make you happy," he says with a smile.

"Yay!" you clap, eager to learn how to use his bass.

"Okay first, sit up in your chair," Tommy kindly orders as he gets his bass out of it's case. "And please be careful with it."

You nod as you sit up like he said to. You hold onto the bass with care as Tommy gently hands it to you.

"You're holding it wrong," he giggles, walking over behind you. He snakes his arms around you, moving the bass so you're holding it correctly. "Like this."

He walks back so that you're facing him, and sits on the couch. "So there's 4 strings. This is E, this is A, this is D, and G." Tommy says as he points at the different strings.

*30 minutes later*

"...and that's pretty much all the basics!" Tommy says after teaching you the important stuff to know about the bass. "Now try to play me something."

"Play what? I don't know how to use it yet," you laugh.

"Play anything, I won't make fun of you," Tommy responds, shooting a sincere smile.

"Okay..." you reply as you look down at the bass and attempt to play a tune. A random jumble of noise comes out of the instrument, and you look up at at Tommy to see his reaction. He's holding in a laugh.

"Um, that was a good start!" Tommy replies before he bursts out in laughter. You join in on the laughter shortly after.

"Okay, I think that's enough bass for today," you say after a few more failed attempts to play a decent tune and laughing together.

Tommy gets up and walks close to you to retrieve the bass. He puts it back in its bass, and you guys spend the rest of the afternoon together, enjoying each other's presence.

The end !!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you guys have any requests for future chapters please don't hesitate to let me know, I will gladly take them !! :) And please let me know who you guys want future chapters to be about!

RIP Tommy🤍🕊

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