When I woke up

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When they arrived at the compound Stark turned to Maya and said "Follow me we are going to go to a conference room to talk" She does as he said and followed him into the compound. They walked through the halls until they reached the conference room. "Do you want to just talk to Banner and me or the whole team?" Stark asked her

"Well, I guess the whole team so I won't have to repeat myself"

"Okay then, FRIDAY get everyone in here"

'Yes boss' the AI responded. Maya is startled by the voice but after figuring out it was Starks fancy tech she relaxed. After waiting a bit the Avengers started pouring in and sitting at the conference table. Maya was sitting near one of the ends. Once everyone was in, Stark began speaking.

"Okay, so this is Maya, she's the one that saved the grandpas" Then the introductions started coming. Once those were over Stark continued. "She's gonna tell us about how she got her powers, then we'll see about her working with us on a trial basis" Maya began thinking that going with the Avengers was a bad idea but her thoughts were interrupted when Stark continued speaking "So when did you get your powers?"

"About two years ago I was caught in an explosion"

"Two years ago, that was the event in DC right," Clint said. At the mention of DC, Bucky got visibly uncomfortable. Steve looked over at him and Maya thought she saw him reach under the table to grab Bucky's hand.

"Yeah, I was walking home from the market when there was an explosion. um, there was a bright light then I passed out. When I wo--" She was interrupted by Bucky storming out of the room and Steve calling after him, he eventually got up and followed him out.

"Please continue," Bruce said. Maya felt bad that she upset him and wanted to go after him too but she knew she couldn't. She knew he used to be the Winter Soldier and that he was under mind control. She also knew that the whole DC incident was HYDRA's fault and the Winter Soldier had been there. She put those thoughts aside to continue the story.

"When I woke up I had-- um my ears were ringing and I felt like a buzzing. I noticed my head was bleeding but right after I did it healed. I got up to help a woman who looked injured and when I touched her all her injuries were gone." she took a breath in "I was confused and couldn't believe what I was seeing so I went over to another person and when I touched them their injuries healed too. So then I ran home and when I got in the door I passed out again"

"Is that it?" Stark asked

"Yeah basically"

"And for two years you've been....?"

"Um healing people and being an FBI agent"

"So you're the shadow we've been looking for," Wanda said

"Um, I guess so"

"Maya, Romanoff will bring you to your room. Maybe tomorrow we can start with some tests." Stark said


"Follow me," Natasha said while she was walking away. Maya got up and followed her to the living quarters. "You're on the floor with me, Sam, Bucky, and Steve. Here's your room."

"Thanks," She said as she walked into her room

"No problem, dinner is at 5:30" Natasha called as she walked away.

Maya walked over to the bed and sat down. As she looked around the room noticed that most of her things were already in there. She looked at her phone and saw it's only noon so she wondered what she was supposed to do all day. She decided to take a shower, when she walked into the bathroom all of her stuff was already there.

As she got undressed she looked at the scars on her body. A couple of smaller gunshots and one larger scar from the top of the front of her thigh to the back of her hip.

When she finished her shower she changed into a comfy outfit. She laid down on her bed and turned on the tv. She changed it to the cooking channel and mindlessly watched the show.


At three o'clock there was a knock at Maya's door. She pulled herself out of bed and opened the door. She saw Steve standing there.

"Hey," She said

"Hi, I just wanted to see how you're doing"

"I'm fine, how's Bucky? He seemed upset"

"He's okay, just blaming himself. And he doesn't accept that none of it's his fault."

"Okay, ill see you at dinner"

"See you," He said as he turned and walked away.

Maya felt bad for Bucky, that she was the reason he was upset right.

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