So, You're Staying

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After Maya agreed to train with the team, Stark decided to call a meeting with the Avengers that would be helping. Natasha, Wanda, Steve, and even Bucky were invited to the meeting. 

As Maya sat at the conference room table with Bruce and Stark standing in the front of the room, the Avengers started coming in. The first to arrive was Natasha next were Steve and Bucky who arrived together. Lastly, Wanda walked in and sat down at the table. 

"Why are we here Stark?" Natasha asked

"We are here because after doing some tests we have found out that Maya will have to stay here for quite a while" As Stark said that Maya shook her head at the vagueness of his answer. 

"What do you mean she will have to stay here for a while?" Steve asked 

"Well, the tests show that healing people is a tiny part of her powers, and her powers as a whole are very dangerous. Since she apparently did not know about these powers she has to stay here until she can control them." 

"It appears that she can control most forms of energy, including bio-energy which is what she uses to heal people. She can probably also control light and sound waves as well as all forms of physical energy." Bruce added

"Which includes electricity, so she could shut down the whole city's power if she doesn't get control over these powers." 

"I still don't understand why we are all here," Wanda said

"You are here because you might be able to help her learn to control her powers, and you three" Stark said turning his head away from Wanda and towards the other Avengers in the room. "Are here to teach her how to protect herself without using her powers. Because if her powers become common knowledge she could be in danger since she got them in such an odd way." 

"If you let me leave then we wouldn't have to worry about that" Maya muttered 

"Well, we can't let you go because you are dangerous" Stark replied

"You are aware that I have had these powers for two years and have had no problems controlling them. I'm not just gonna lose control one day and destroy the city." 

"You could destroy a city and that's the point. that one day you could lose control over these powers and kill thousands of people or more, so we can't let you leave this compound until we know you have control over them and nothing like that will happen."

"Fine, so when are we starting this training?"

"Tomorrow we will start training you to control your powers, we are going to start with seeing how you heal people and what happens when you do."

"What do you mean see what happens? I heal the person, that's what happens"  

"We are going to put you into a room that will measure tons of different types of energy in the room. We have to see if you can only manipulate the energy or if you are able to create the energy yourself." Banner responded.

"We are going to need someone to volunteer to be injured for her to heal," Stark said nonchalantly causing everyone to look at him

"You aren't going to injure someone so I can heal them Stark, that's crazy!"

"We'll just minorly injure them, maybe stab them or something, you are going to heal them so it won't be that bad" 

"No! You are not going to do that."

"We have to be able to see how you are able to heal them. We'll do it to Capsicle, it won't be that bad"

"Tony, you can't volunteer people to be stabbed," Banner said

"I'll do it" Steve interjected, causing Bucky to look at him like he was crazy. "What? She can obviously heal people, she did save your life, we'll just do a little cut or something, it will be fine" He said to Bucky

"Okay then, see you both tomorrow at eight-thirty to do this" Stark said before he and Banner walked out of the room, followed by Natasha and Wanda who had jumped into a conversation.

"So, you're staying," Steve said to Maya

"Yep and you're getting stabbed," Maya said getting up to leave the room. She walked back to their floor and grabbed an apple on the way to her room. 

She spent the rest of the evening watching television until she fell asleep. when she woke from a nightmare she went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, also hoping to see Bucky, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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