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Chapter 1

"I don't know Cory..." Avik said in his casual bored tone "I don't think I can stay here that long"

"Why Avik? Isn't it's your family?" I asked, sure he can't stay away from family functions...well not for forever. "Listen, I do have things to do on my back" He said "I have work burden on my shoulders, unlike your fiance_I do believe in being sincere towards what I do"

"You sounds like you don't want to be here!" I accused "You don't have to make excuses, just say 'no' It won't kill you to say no to what you can't could have said no to your father before, you-" His face fells, and I do regret saying that part now and damn! He just returned here and we are accusing...well I mostly "I'm sorry...I didn't mean anything personal, I-I shouldn't voice what I don't know" sure I don't know a thing here, most of people think of him as an irresponsible person who run away from his responsiblities when his father was about to handover his Aviation company to him, but I know him he is anything but irresponsible. When we were young he always stands as a protector for his brother and I. And only some people know that his father send him to France not his carelessness towards work and it always pinch him when someone blame him for being a software engineer but his little brother being young and leading business tycoon. Sure he wanted to takeover his father's business, he completed is studies from MIT in aviations but I heard that he upgraded his master's degree in computer science when he was in France.

"Yes, you shouldn't accuse people for something you don't know" he said with a hint of anger. "certainly not when you want them to do you a favor" he added smilimg. I smiled "You're not doing any favor here"
"My bad, so I must stay here?" he asked walking out of my bedroom, he is only male ever to accompany me here in my bedroom not even my fiance ever come here. "You will stay!?" I asked running behind him. He turned back to look at me then pointed downstairs to some travelling bags "I think I can manage two weeks here" WHAT???

"But-but my wedding is after three months!" he again started descending down the stairs. God! He is still so irritating
"oh?" and an idiot too

"Avik!" I cried "Don't play games"

He stands downstairs and looked up in my direction grinning like a dumb "so, I guess I'll return a week before wedding?"

"Really?" I asked, he nodded "but you won't be here for like two months" he gave me a bored look "will you stop acting like a cry baby? You will be a woman soon-" He stopped suddenly then added "look, I can't spare more than three weeks here, I do have work load back home" and he is back to that 'it's-all-about-work' mood. 'I did something?'

"Okay...I'm happy that you'll stay even it's for mere weeks" I said descending down the stairs and wrapping my arms around him. I don't like it when he turns down everyone within a snap of fingers

"I'm happy that that you are happy because of me-" I smiled "_even it means that I have to suffer his ugly face" he joked, I hit his arm laughing

"When you came back?" we were at the terrace of my building, whole New York was looking so beautiful from here like a valley with thousands of fireflies, when we are at the balcony in our apartment it gives comfort and coziness but when we are at the terrace, it gives an anxiety of being at the top of the world.

"I just landed here this morning" he said "I wanted to see your face before 'his'"

"'He' do have a name" I gave him a flat look.

"Oui_but he don't worth it".

I hold his upper arm to make him look at me "He must did something very wrong Avik. Berfore, it was always that teasing relations between you both but now it's full of venom when you talk about him" I said looking in his eyes "Tell me, he must did something very wrong to make you that way...I know you always cared for your brothers and sisters, specially him"
He just looked past me.

"look! it's a star up there...more likely venus. We are lucky to found one from here" He faked a smile totally ignoring my question.
"Avik!_can't you behave like normals?" I said totally irritated by now, can't he speak like a civilized person? "I'm suppose to marry him, I do have a right!"

"GOD! You'll be such a nagging are worse than Siri" who is she?

"Siri, Avik?"

"Um, yeah.." he looked back at sky with a ghost of smile on his face.

'Are you engaged too?' I know I'll be married soon but him getting married too is a different sotry, I don't know how it is but it felt wrong. His beautiful smile, his dark hair with those coffee brown eyes, his rough and handsome face reflecting dim light of nearby buildings just like now and those broad shoulders...all these will be someone else's.
I must have lost track of time here cuz when I was snapped back to reality he was informing me about my ringing cellphone. "oh, It's ringing" I told him. sure it is, damn you! "Then pick it up" He encouraged me smiling, I know it! frowning to myself I checked the caller Id and guit washed all over me. He must sense that too cuz he asked "Forgot something?" I nodded feeling really bad "Aaren was taking me out tonight_He-he must be outside at my apartment by now...he said he will be here by 8" I looked at him "I'm not even ready!" He smiled "Relax Cory, he is a man_we are manufactured with inbuit patience when it comes to girls getting ready" He is not helping " you still have 15mins or so..." He added checking his wrist watch

"Will you accompany us?" say yes...
"No" He said scraching his forehead "I guess I'll make a call or two?" don't tell me who she is

"You going to call Siri?" He smiled nodding "Oui_she-" He was cut off by my cellphone ringing again. Thank God! 'I don't want to know about your girl_well fiance' watching him getting back to his normal persona I resived my call. You must love her Avik, you looked happy when you talk about her.

---End Chapter---

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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