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When she used to be a girl that craved love and affection always hold for her prince charming that always I love inside of her that'll always wanted to be cherished and loved for once but all of that just became a dream they never came true oh she got was selfless people who took away the love that she had inside of her people that may have feared less of a human because of the energy that you used a characteristics and negativity to their own advantage the people who seems like they understood her but never did she tried her best but it best was never good enough empty promises were made to her and she still had the guts in mind to believe the promises she was made to feel like something special but deep down we all knew she wasn't she stayed and stayed giving them chances to change but she realized they'll never change true colors unveiled themselves before her and she thought that it was all in the mind when Trump makes you believe that it's your mind that is tricking you but that trauma is telling you the truth when you ignore the truth because you're afraid to be hurt by believing the lies makes you wondered and never too he will again when all she wanted was just one simple thing loyalty loyalty loyalty but she never got that all she got was pain  pain  pain she never understood why it was happening to her innocence was taken from her at a young age she experienced something till no she doesn't understand why she developed into a being that is existence but deep down not existing she made mechanisms that are unhealthy forgetting everything with detail allowing herself not to enjoy the moment not allowing herself to enjoy the present not allowing herself to enjoy the past by giving herself delusions of pain that will or never exist

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