Chapter 1: Plans Derailed

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This was going perfectly so far. That's what he thought to himself. The Monokubs haven't done anything stupid, and all the students are contained. 

Some of them seemed very shaken up, but that was part of the fun of it all.

Now the killing game has begun. If they don't do it on their own, surely the motives will be good enough!

Monokuma couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he sat alone in a room. The students weren't here, so he was just enjoying his alone time. Confident in his many abilities.

Then he sensed something... Off.

If the psychotic grin spread across his black and white face wasn't permanent, it would have certainly faded.

He teleported to the main area inside the school, and the students were all crowded around something in a circle.

Monokuma headed inside, and the group parted like the red sea. And then Monokuma made eye contact with...


The smirking blue hedgehog flipped his blue spikes back with a gloved hand, and grinned.

"Aha! So, if it isn't Monokuma! I had a feeling I'd find you here!"

Monokuma's fists curled up at the sight. His face turning red with rage at the sight. He. Hates. That. Hedgehog.

"How did you even-!?" Monokuma began to say, before Sonic cut him off, sassily shaking his finger back and forth.

"There's no time to explain. All that matters is I'm here now! To stop your evil plans Robotni- I mean Monokuma!"

The students were clearly confused by now. Well, the Ultimate Magician sort of always had that look on her face.

Monokuma growled, extending out his claws. He began to run towards him, making the students back up even more. 

He reached out his paws to slice Sonic into pieces, but the only thing his claws dug into was the floor.

He turned, and Sonic stood there, laughing. 

"Did you *really* think that you could outrun me?" Sonic teased with a smirk. Monokuma's red eye glowed brightly with anger.

He had forgotten Sonic's speed, so fast he could practically teleport. It only made him despise the cocky hedgehog even more.

He pounced again, only getting his claws stuck in a wall. 

"Nuh-uh-uh!" Sonic said, "I told you already, you're too slow!" He teased again, mocking Monokuma.

"I don't have a means of getting these people out of here, since they're also too slow, but until I find out, I won't let you do anything!" He announced.

Monokuma just growled, mumbling insults to himself. He yanked his claws out of the wall, knowing he really couldn't kill Sonic. 

After all, Monokuma really was too slow.

He'd have to pause the killing game... Until he finds some way to get rid of him. And considering how he has literally no ideas, he's going to be stuck with Sonic for a very long time.

A Reunion [With My Mortal... Love.] (Monokuma x Sonic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt