Chapter 2: Motive

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Sonic had already exclaimed that he would be making the two day time limit null by stopping Monokuma from causing any harm, but Monokuma still had his other motive.

These video files contained all the motive he needed for each and every student. Videos of everyone waiting back home, nobody waiting back home, or a whole country waiting back... Itself. There's no way a student could resist trying to get back.

Sonic obviously wouldn't hurt a student, besides, he can't be two places at once. So at the very least one student had to die. All he needed to do was move them onto their respective tablets...

Except there was no video files, there was just a text file named, "ur_2_slow".

Monokuma basically shook with confusion and anger. He clicked on the file, and there was only a couple sentences there.

"HA! Did you reeaaaly think I'd let you keep any OTHER motives? I'm not stupid like you! ;)

"Also you really shouldn't have made your password so easy to guess. I mean, despairdaddyuwu69? Come on"

Monokuma grumbled to himself, and the group of the five colorful "kubs" made in his image walked in.

"Father?" Monotaro began, tilting his red and white head to the side, "What are we going to do about the blue hedgehog guy-?"

He could barely finish the sentence before Monokuma chucked his laptop against the wall, shattering it in pieces. Which should've been an execution of an actual person, before Sonic came along.

The Monokubs backed up without talking anymore, clearly scared of how angry this situation has made Monokuma.

"Oh, I'll figure out what to do with him yet." Monokuma explained, somewhat ominously despite his clownish voice.

And that was a massive lie. He still had no ideas. Sonic crossing the n-th dimension into an entirely different game was not something that had crossed his mind in the slightest.

But expectation either way won't fix a problem. The lack of it just makes everything so much worse. And things had already devolved into chaos. Emeralds.

He pointed at the door to gesture the Monokubs out, and they followed his command. Monokuma folded his arms, and sat down onto the seat once more, huffing alone to himself.

"Stupid sexy hedgehog..." He grumbled, further cursing Sonic's name under his breath. "Ruining all of my plans to force teenagers to murder eachother... What's his problem with that, anyway?"

He pouted in his chair like a bratty child, before he heard the door opening once again.

"I see you're sulking! Ha, did you find the surprise I left you?" 

Even those short sentences spoken with that smug voice sent pings of anger throughout Monokuma's whole body. He practically hissed as he turned around.

Sonic closed the door behind him, and leaned against it, resting his hands behind his head. "C'mon, don't act like it's all my fault. You can also blame your inferior intelligence!" He casually insulted, still sporting a grin.

Monokuma stood up from his chair, and jumped down onto the floor, being even shorter than the chair itself.

"You think you're so much better than everyone else, but let me tell you-"

"Nuh-uh, I only think I'm better than you."

"Let me finish! As I was saying, you think you're so much better than everyone else-"


"Shut up! Ugh, now, let me tell you. Don't underestimate me just because you're so fast! I won't be so easily deterred. I promise you, no matter how hard you try, I'll find a way... I'll find a way to continue the killing games, no matter what you have to say about it." He threatened, making his voice as deep as possible, which was still pretty high pitched.

Mere seconds after he finished his monologue, he was forcefully pushed to the wall, face to face with a scowl across the hedgehog's face as he leaned forward to accompany Monokuma's height.

"Oh yeah? Well I promise you, whatever you do, I won't let you hurt them!" He yelled determinedly, furrowing his brows and baring his teeth at Monokuma.

Monokuma was caught off-guard at his sudden explosion of anger. Even Sonic seemed surprised in himself. He took his hand away from Monokuma's shoulder.

He chuckled, acting as if the mutual threats never happened, "Besides, I doubt you could do much against me anyway. I've been on countless adventures, and defeates countless villains such as yourself. This is nothing special to me, and once I'm done here, I'll move along and leave you dumbfounded at your own failure."

Sonic continued to boast, basically spouting his entire history of defeating evil. And as he went back to his typical egotistical self, Monokuma realized he wasn't focusing very hard.

And then, cutting him off in the middle of his sentence, Monokuma slashed out his claws, tearing a gash into Sonic's arm.

Sonic breathed in sharply, shocked. He grunted in pain, grabbing his wound.

Monokuma frowned, 'Dammit, that was supposed to be a killing blow!' He thought to himself in frustration.

Sonic breathed in again, as blood stained his white gloves. 

"...Good job. You managed to get a hit on me... I should learn to keep my guard up. You've... Taught me, with this wound." Sonic congratulated sincerely, still breathing sharply from pain.

Monokuma was only further frustrated by this. He had cut into Sonic's arm, and all he said afterwards was that he had been taught. Monokuma was infuriated by Sonic's sudden level-headedness. He wanted a reaction, but Sonic wouldn't give it to him.

A smirk spread across Sonic's face once he noticed Monokuma sweating with infuriation. He stood up tall again, just as the door opened again.

There stood a very short girl, one of the highschoolers. She adjusted the magicians hat on her head, it slightly rustling her dark red hair.

"Sonic? Gonta wanted to show you a bug he found, and Kaede said she saw you go in here-" She said, her eyes widening as she noticed Sonic's arm. "Hm? What happened to your arm? Are you okay?"

Sonic chuckled softly, "Don't worry about it, Himiko, I'll be all right. Take me to Gonta." He said, walking over to her.

Himiko nodded, "Okay, but I'm gonna get you bandages afterwards."

"Heh, of course. Thanks."

Monokuma looked over. He had nearly forgotten how quickly Sonic bonded with the other teens.

Himiko walked out of the room, and Sonic followed, glancing at Monokuma before he closed the door.

And just like that, Monokuma was left alone. With nothing but his hatred for Sonic.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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