Chapter 8

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Lindsey's pov!!!!! P.s. Merry Christmas and a happy new year (woohoo 2022!!) to all of our fans! Ho ho ho ho ho!!! Stay perky ;) xoxoxo

After we killed the auditon, we went to a restaurant to "kill" our appetites.

"Remember when we met you at the Whose Line performance? We came to this restaurant afterwards!" said Greg. "This is where we said we loved each other for the first time." (Author's note: check out chapters 4-8 of our first novel, I Prooped My Pants, for a reminder of this steamy dinner ;)

"I remember," I said.

"Haha so do we," said Colin and Ashley.

"Hello there," said the waiter. "Do you guys want the usual?"

"Yes please."

"I can't believe they remembered our meal!"

The waiter came back a few minutes later with: a salad and pepsi for Tiffany and a steak for Jeff (heehee they had to switch), a fish for Ryan and spaghetti for Chelsey ("don't spill it!" said Ryan to Chelsey and we all DIED), chicken nuggets for me off of the children's menu and something fancy and French for Gregerooni (this time they didn't argue when I said I HAD to order them), and appetizers and drinks for Ashley and Colin.

We all ate. Chelsey dropped her spaghetti on her lap, but Ryan was prepared. He caught it in a napkin and put it back on her plate. Then he put it on a fork and did a "choochoo" and put it in her mouth.

"Classic Chelsey!" said Ryan.

LOL we all said.

"Awww you'd be a good dad," said Chelsey.

"Do you really think so, Chelse?" He held her hand. "I don't know if I'm ready?"

"So we have had a busy week," said Colin. "Taking classes, new teachers, cheerleading tryouts."

"Colin, YOU didn't try out!" said Tiffany.

"yeah but I did try out for something else..." he said mysteriously.

"WHAT!!!!" said Ashley. "What did you try out for??"

He blushed shyly. "I tried out for the football team..."

"Omg did you make it??"

"Well, I didn't want to take away from you guys getting on the cheer squad, but.... I am the new quarterback! My number is 4 for good luck." He pointed to each of us quadruplets.

"I get to cheer you on!" said Ashley happily.

"I also tried out for something..." said Ryan.

"Wait like the basketball squad??" said Chelsey. "You know because you're tall?"

"No," he said. "I'm in the school musical. We're doing High School Musical! I am playing Troy Bolton. And he is a basketball player so I guess you are correct."

"I'm playing Corbin Bleu!" said Jeff.

"What about you Greg? Do you have a hobby now?" I asked him nervously.

"Yes... But I can't tell you right now... You have to wait..."

I was sad that he was lying to me, but I trusted him. I just hoped there were no cute girls in whatever his new hobby was...

We all ate dinner and had a lot of fun. Then we had to go home and study. Chemistry tests are HARD!

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