Chapter 12

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August 17th, 2018

I think it's like 2 AM right now. We just finished the desk and the chair for Marisa's bedroom. Marisa is in the shower and I'm just waiting for her on her bed. Being in New York on our own is really cool so far. We aren't settled in yet all the way, but I like the feeling of being out on my own. Aside from Marisa being out here of course. She's made this way easier, I don't know what I would've done if I was going out to New York all alone.

Marisa came out of the bathroom in a big t shirt and her hair was wet. "You can go ahead in there. I'm all finished," she said as she sat down next to me. "Alright cool," I said. I got my stuff that I needed and went into the bathroom. I took a pretty fast shower because I didn't wanna keep Mars waiting in case she was waiting until I got back to go to sleep. I did my skin care and got dressed into a big t shirt and basketball shorts. I walked back into her room and saw her under the covers on her phone. She looked like she was seconds away from falling asleep.

I got into bed with her and she scooted closer to me so she could lay on my chest. "KC" she said. "Yeah," "I wanna take you out on a date once our apartments are set up," she said. "Aw really?" I asked. "Yeah I'm really starting to feel a connection with you. I wanna see where this goes," she said. "I wanna see where this goes too," I said. "Well I hate to end this but I'm tired as hell. Goodnight honey," she said. "Goodnight Mars. Sleep well," I said. "You too Kace," she said as she laid down on my chest.

The Next Morning
Marisa's POV

Waking up in KC's arms is really something I could get used to. She's still sleeping so I think I'm gonna get ready and order us some breakfast since we haven't gotten groceries yet. KC's parents are coming later on today and we're all gonna work on KC's apartment then do the finishing touches on mine. This is all just really exciting. School doesn't officially start until the 27th so we have a little over a week to get to know the city first. "Marisa," I heard KC call out from my room. "I'm in here," I said from the bathroom. "Can I come in?" she asked. "Yeah come in I'm done," I said. "Good morning honey," she said. "Good morning. I'm ordering breakfast from the place down the street. Do you wanna pick out what you want?" I asked. "Yeah sure. I'll place the order and go ahead and pay," she said. "No I'll pay for it. You just paid for the snacks yesterday," I said. "Ok fine, but I'm paying next time," she said. "Ok that's fine," I said. "I'm gonna get ready. I'll see you in a few," she said. "Alright," I said.

Later in the day (The Coopers arrival)
Marisa's POV

The Coopers just got here and right now we're all heading over to KC's apartment. "So how have y'all been doing out here so far?" Mrs. Cooper asked us. "We've been good," KC said. "Do y'all think you're gonna like it here?" Mr. Cooper asked. "Yeah it's been fun so far. I'm excited to explore the city. We didn't really go anywhere yesterday," I said. "What did y'all do yesterday?" Judy asked me. "Oh we just set up some stuff in my apartment and we had a date," I said. "Oh a date huh. How was it?" Mrs. Cooper asked. "Mom she doesn't wanna talk about that," KC said. "It's fine Kace. It went really well Mrs. Cooper, your daughter is very sweet," I said. "I'm glad to hear that. Make sure you guys look out for each other while you're out here. I trust that the both of you will make good choices while you're out here," she said. "Of course we will Mrs. Cooper. We've grown up a lot over these past few years. We're ready for this," I said. "We know you're ready. Now with all that out in the open let's go start getting KC's apartment ready," Mr. Cooper said.

All the furniture is already in the apartment; we just have to build it. Judy and Mrs. Cooper are working on the stuff in the kitchen, Mr. Cooper and Ernie are working on the living room, and KC and I are setting up things in her room. We've been at it for a few hours now. It's about 5 o'clock and Mrs. Cooper wants us to go down to the grocery store to get food for the apartment. We just got some basic stuff and some ingredients for Mrs. Cooper to make dinner tonight. After dinner KC and I are going to go back to my apartment and the Coopers are gonna sleep here. There wouldn't be enough room for all of us here so we'll meet back up with them in the morning. KC's apartment is taking longer than we thought it would so we're gonna do the finishing touches on mine before they leave tomorrow.

Pictures of KC's Apartment:

Pictures of KC's Apartment:

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A/N:Sorry this is a little short

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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