Chapter 2

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While walking to the front
entrance, Tobio accidentally bumped into a slightly taller split-haired boy.

-"I'm so sorry!"

Tobio said while bowing.

-"Huh? Oh. It's fine.."

The split-haired boy said quietly.

"Thank you for forgiving me."

"Are you new here?"

"Yes, I'm a first year!"

"That's cool, I'm a second year."

-"May I ask for your name?"


"Alright Kenma-senpai, thank you for your time!"


A few seconds later, an even taller guy with a bed head came running towards Kenma.


Kenma went towards the side in time for the bed head to fall onto the pavement.

-"Are you okay..?"

"Ugh, I'm fine."

-"So, Kenma, This kid new here?"


-"Well, I'm Kuro. I'm a third year."

-"It's very nice to meet you Kuro-senpai."

"What's your name, newbie?"

-"Tobio Kato, but you can call me Tobio."

-"Nice name, cutie."

Tobio blushed at the name and covered his face with his hands.

-"Now, now. Don't hide your face."

Kuro said, as he grabbed his hands gently, pulling them down.

-"Kuro, stop it, you'll scare him."

-"I-it's fine, senpai..'

Tobio had a red face and was smiling slightly.

"Do you need help finding your class, Tobio?"

Kenma said.

-"Yes, actually."

-"I'll take you there."

Kenma took Tobio to his classroom with Kuro behind them.
Once they got there, they said their goodbyes and left.

Tobio KatoWhere stories live. Discover now