Chapter 1 - The girl

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I stared out the glistening window at the bright blue sky. The colorings of the sky that day closely resembled Larimar, and the puffy white almost looked like the same consistency of cotton candy. The sun shone brightly through clouds, burning my eyes with only the slightest glance in its direction. Of Course, only I would be dumb enough to look directly at the light. Barely a moment later I saw a bright blue-ish purple line across my eyes, almost like a punishment for making the mistake in the first place. I closed my eyes in hopes it would go away, while in the process of doing so I could feel myself doze off as the lesson went on. My head slowly began to tilt to the left, slowly slipping out of my hands that cupped my face. Within moments my peaceful relaxation was disturbed by the sound of a dying goat, also being my teacher, an older woman, maybe in her mid 50's, she had a nice personality and was overall a great person, but man she was an awful teacher.

"Ah, lovely. You've arrived. Alright class," Miss Almyra said with the most irritating voice crack, "We have a new student."

A girl slowly stepped into the classroom, making all the loud and annoying fuckboys shut up. She had a scrawnier figure than most and looked about 2 or 3 inches shorter than me. She had this silky-looking maple hair that reached the middle of her upper back if I had to guess, and she had really pretty eyes. Her eyes looked like something you'd see in an anime, they were fairly big and round compared to an average person but the prettiest part about her eyes was that she had heterochromia. She had one blue eye that closely resembled a glacier and her other eye which was a deep brown reminding me of a tree's bark. After I had finished my little examination, I waited for the moment I would hear her voice.

"Welcome to the class dear, if you don't mind, could you introduce yourself." Miss Almyra asked the girl.

"I am Reagan Winddelen. I've just moved here from South Dakota, and I hope to be friends with all of you." Reagan said excitedly.

She seemed almost like a pick me girl or one of those girls who obsesses over having a fairytale life. I don't believe that "I wanna be friends with all of you" bullshit, she's just looking for an easy way up, so she can slowly claim her throne at the top of the school. With her looks and attitude, she could easily get all the boys to be at her feet. I bet you're thinking to yourself right now, don't be biased towards her or don't judge a book by its cover, Aryn. I'm not trying to be biased in any way, I am just simply making an observation, and when I make an observation it's never far from the truth. I know I sound like I think so highly of myself, but I really don't, I'm just spitting the facts here.

"Alright dear, you can take a seat at the back where the empty desk is." Miss Almyra said with another croaky voice crack.

I sat there waiting tiringly for our lesson to resume when I was caught off guard. It was the new girl.

"Hey, what's your name?" she asked me in a rather soothing tone.

Well shit, Why the hell did the damn teacher make her sit beside me. I chose to ignore it since I struggled with human interaction. As much as I couldn't communicate properly, I struggled mostly with talking to girls. I had always wondered if it had anything to do with sexuality, which I hadn't thought too much about. If I am being completely honest it's always scared me with this whole other world of love and for some over-excessive people, it was their whole personality.

"Are you there?" the soft voice asked again. For some reason she sounded worried, not sure why though, I just met the girl, how could she be worried. "I asked what your name was as if you didn't hear."

"You don't need to repeat, I ignored just fine the first time." I groaned, staring her down.

"Well I wanna know your name," she demanded.

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